Dave's 521 Journey

A couple of follow up items. One is this was a nostalgia hunt as I’ve said before. What did that mean? I chose to use my old model 70 Winchester Lightweight in 280 Remington. It’s been my go to rifle for about as long as I had been applying for goats. Still a great rifle which I need to now figure out its future. I’m thinking of giving it to my son-in-law or just hanging on to it as a backup weapon. Maybe do something else with it. A really good problem to have. Suggestions are welcome, just don’t tell me you should get it. ;)

Another part of the nostalgia was a piece of clothing I brought. I had my dad’s old down hunting vest from the 70s. I was very happy it was with me multiple times during the hunt most especially the night I slept without a sleeping bag.

Those were the biggest parts is the nostalgia components. But then there were new items as well. Those details don’t matter.

The other big item is the taste of my billy. We processed him yesterday and naturally we had to try him. Goats have a reputation for not commonly being very tasty, although those that are reported as good tend to be quite good. I have friends who reported everything from very good to double spiced for sausage and barely palatable. Mine is very good. His flavor is what I would describe as robust. Not gamey but a bit chewy. I will be doing some sausage and I’ll let you all know how that goes.

He’s been dropped off at the taxidermist and we’ll see him again sometime next summer. Should be beautiful.
Another update. My goat should be back from the taxidermist very soon. I’m very eager to get it. I’ll post a picture once I get it.

Second, I finally shot my 280 for the first time since I harvested my goat. I have been a little leery just in case the misses I reported were simply poor shooting and not because something had gone bad with its zero. I was so disappointed then and I didn’t want to find out it was all me.

I will pause here to state, no matter how the shooting turned out today, the misses were 100% on me. As I stated last year, I had wanted to verify my zero in the week before the final weekend of the season as it had been a long and rough season for the gun. I knew better than to not check it. Please do not make that same mistake yourself especially with a tag if a lifetime.

Back to today’s shooting. I am “happy” to report that the gun hit about 8 inches high and a couple to the left which was into a 15-20 mph crosswind. A second shot confirmed that it appears everything was solid as it hit about 3/4 of an inch from the first.

No wonder I missed the goat on that fateful Friday. Moreover, I am now more grateful than ever that the goat I got was only 35-40 yards off. I was so close to blowing my tag.

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