Caribou Gear

Damn this hurts

That stinks big time sorry for your loss
Ours is 13 and it getting close to his time I love dogs but am a big baby when it come time to say good by
Deepest sympathies. Recently had to put my 13 yo Basset down. I miss him every day.
Sorry for the loss bud! They truly become part of the family. Thoughts and prayers out to you and your family.
Thanks for all of the well wishes, thoughts, and prayers today. This HT crowd is pretty darn legit. It was the hardest thing I’ve done to date, but I find comfort in knowing he isn’t in pain. He had a great send off today as a bunch of the little neighbor kids came to say goodbye. He was the old dog in the hood that just laid back and took everything in. RIP
Thanks for all of the well wishes, thoughts, and prayers today. This HT crowd is pretty darn legit. It was the hardest thing I’ve done to date, but I find comfort in knowing he isn’t in pain. He had a great send off today as a bunch of the little neighbor kids came to say goodbye. He was the old dog in the hood that just laid back and took everything in. RIP

I had to put my girl down four months ago and your post still brought tears to my eyes. I feel your pain. It freaking sucks. Good luck to you and your family over the next few weeks while you adjust to not having your friend there. I hate it for you.
We lost both of our dogs in a six month period this last year. One was expected in our 15.5 year old and the other was an unexpected accident with the 2 year old. Know exactly how you feel but I’m sure you gave that dog a wonderful life. I’m sorry you and the family have to go through this.
I grew up next to a highway on a dairy farm with equipment and vehicles moving all the time. I know this pain all too well. My condolences.

I’ve shared this picture before but maybe it helps here too.


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