Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Dad Joke thread

Had a dog once that drank some gas, started spinning in circles running all over the place then just feel over and lay there. Kids: Did he die? Me: Nope just ran outta gas.
Had a dog once that drank some gas, started spinning in circles running all over the place then just feel over and lay there. Kids: Did he die? Me: Nope just ran outta gas.
Mrs45 says her uncle owned a gas station in the 1950's and loved to spring this joke on people.
Did you hear about the bad accident Willy Nelson was in?
He got hit by a bus, playing on the road again.
Used to drive by this round barn like once a year going to a hunting store and my Grandpa would always say you know a guy died in that round barn. ..he couldnt found a corner to pee in.
I tell dad jokes, but I don't have any kids. I'm a faux pa.

Did you hear about the chameleon who couldn't change color? He had a reptile dysfunction.

I wanted to go on a diet, but I feel like I have way too much on my plate right now
My son or wife: Look what happened! I cut myself, banged my knee, dropped a dish, etc.

Me: You shouldn't do that again.

My son or wife: Something really stinks.

Me: That's just your upper lip.

How do you make a hormone?

Don't pay her.
Caribou Gear

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