Yeti GOBOX Collection

CWD found on elk ranch again

Hey there Bob. Man, I have had one helluva rough year....and unfortunately, the Government wasn't there to bail me out :rolleyes: I have had to deal with tradgedy and adversity multiple times and that took president over my hunting and internet time. Things seem to be leveling out now and I am starting to plan hunts now for the first time in a year. Hope you and Connie have been doing well.
BbarC doesn't sell hunts for his elk. That guy in Colorado did. I think his request to let people come pay him and shoot an elk, then test it, is pretty reasonable. That's what the state is doing, letting people shoot elk and deer in CWD areas and getting them tested.

I don't even know what would happen in Texas if we got a diseased high fence herd, does anybody else know? I think if I was in that business in a disease risk area, I might add the electric wire to the edge of the high fence to economically further separate those animals in the fence and those out of the fence. I wonder if there have been any studies to show if that is effective in stopping spread of disease accross the fence? It seems like it would help though.

Got any more pictures of your huge mule deer, Deerslayer?
Tom, I agree with you that he should be allowed to bring in his own "shooters" if he does it in a timely fashion. But like the first time he was found to have CWD on his ranch, he had 9 elk go "unaccounted for" with no consequences. Him being a business man, I would think the probability of him have a few of his biggest bulls go "unaccounted for" would be pretty good should he be allowed to maintain his infected herd. They should coral the elk, let the shooters write out their checks and start whacking and stacking.....that way they have their trophies, the infected elk are dead and everyone is happy.

Try looking at it in this light for some clarity. Let's say my $5000 purebread huntin hound comes up with rabies. Now I like that pup and paid way too much for him to just put him down. But like CWD, rabies is ALWAYS fatal and can be transmitted to other healthy animals and possibly even humans, so the authorities will, without question or regard to my emotional or monetary loss, come in immediately and put my animal down. While I am not at all happy about it, I do understand it had to be done for the general welfare of both the public and other healthy animal populations. Oh, and they didn't cough up the 5k for fido either. I simply had to suck it up and move on.

So how is the CWD issue any different? It is always fatal. It can be spread. It HAS to be quaranteened as best as possible when it is identified. The ONLY difference is the money behind the pet elk industry has enough muscle to slow down what would otherwise be cut and dry procedure with you or I had it been our animals infected with the fatal disease.

Furthermore, you can't sell livestock that dies of disease, so why should the state pay for infected elk? It is a cost and liability of doing business where the risk on such contamination exists as with all animal herds. And in the event they do agree to pay him for the infected animals, it should in no way be even close to the 10's of thousands he gets selling healthy animals as "trophys" to his "shooters". Afterall, the state is not in the business of buying "trophy animals" from high priced pet ranches but rather are more in the business of protecting the states natural resources of wild herds.

As far as ol', he may not sell elk hunts, but he is in the elk business all the same.
There is really no difference whether he butchers them and/or uses their antlers and meat himself, occasionally buying and selling animals ...and the ranches who choose to let shooters come in and do the killing. Both business kill animals, and both buy and sell captive elk. Would you consider Bob on their level should he let a shooter come in to do his killing? Captive elk are captive elk......and Bob's are no less worthy than any other ranch.

Kudos to you Bob on your stance. I know you would do the right thing should the situation ever arise for you. Hopefully your elk will remain healthy and disease free and you will continue to enjoy raising them for years to come.

Tom, I haven't posted in so long that I lost my host site at Boomspeed therefore have no place to host pics. Until I do, I can't post any pics. That big ol' Muley was the last critter I shot.
I didn't pick up a rifle during the whole 4 month deer season here this last fall. Maybe I will get it back soon....
You think they'll gun down the wintered up herds while they are all grouped together in the high risk CWD wild areas anytime soon?

It says 2 years ago, that 10 wild mule deer he had trapped in when he built the fence, I guess, had CWD. It was bad from the get go there for that guy.

Land prices must be going down in those type places because of this stuff?
Hey Mark...
I for one, am very glad to see you back. I sure hope all is going well in your neck of the woods and things are looking up....
Hey there Rick and Russ. Now you know you fellas didn't miss me ;) Yes, things are looking up. After burying a marriage of 20 years and a son of 19, I have met a great woman who wants nothing more than to marry me. Why I am not sure :rolleyes: ......and while I am smitten with her after several months together......I'm thinking I should wait and see how much she likes me after hunting season is over
if she is still insane by early next year...who knows????

Life is slowly getting back to normal for me......whatever that is
Man, Mark - I know how both of those hurt! (Although my son was a lot younger when he drowned.) While I wasn't aware of the break up, I knew about your son and have often wondered how you were dealing with it. Life does go on, and not to be crass, but I miss my son more than the ex-wife. My "now and forever" wife is fantastic, and I am happier than I have ever been.

I agree that making sure the second time around is very important! You're a good looking, young stud and there's "lots of fish in the sea!" ;)

And yes - I have missed you!
LOL!...Thanks Rick! As far as "the lots of fish in the sea" comment....I think I have pretty much seined my share of 'em up the last the point of it being too much like work. So I quit pressing and Miss Right practically fell in my lap. We actually have so much more in common than I did with my X. She has managed to get my mind on something other than grief and loss and that is something no one else has been able to do.

My X and I actually had split up when I moved back south last summer. I just chose to keep it private save a very few close friends and family in order to keep it from becoming bulletin board fodder for those who would use it as such. I now could care less who knows and have managed to open the next chapter of my life...realizing my son is in a better place as well as I am without my X. That makes it hardly any less painful, but time allows me to not dwell. I do realize I am not alone and that many before me have suffered similiar losses.....but mine seem to come in waves there for a while. But the sun is shining again so I am starting to plan a few hunts.....the circle of life is constant and we're merely insignificant pawns in the grand scheme.....there is rarely any comfort in reasoning why these things happen, but it does bring a vivid understanding of just have fragile and fleeting our time here is. I would like to do and see a few more things before it passes me by. I take a few of my sons ashes with me eveywhere of significance I go......and sprinkle a little part of him a sign of remembrance and also to never take for granted the things I am able to enjoy and do that he never will. I figure if I leave part of him at 10,000 feet in the back country, in a stretch of ocean from the back of a cruise ship, or on a sandy beach as the sun sets with the waves rolling least I can say he was there with me.
Man, Mark - those last sentences are some of the most powerful I have ever read. What a great idea. Not much can be added to that.

I now treasure each moment with my second son - when he falls asleep in my lap at a ball game or I have to carry him down a trail because he is just too tired or fell asleep at the lake, and I get uncomfortable, sore or my leg falls asleep - I remember another young boy that I wish I could hold, and realize that, one way or another, I'd better make the moment last as long as I can and my personal discomfort just kinda melts away.

Your remembrance is very moving, DS. (And I would personally kick the ass of anyone who could try to make "forum fodder" out of something like that!)
Thanks for your support Rick. Late September will find me in Alaska hunting Caribou on the open tundra.......and while I am basking in the grand sight of the herds ambling by.....I will lay Matt's ashes before any thought of squezzing off a shot. He was placed in New Orleans last week as I enjoyed all the sights and sounds of the French Quarter with my fiancee'. I plan to take him to the 4 corners of the earth before the final chapter is written.

I can't help but think he is smiling down at his ol' man.....partly because he thinks I have lost my mind, and partly because he appreciates the jesture.....
Mark, I will ditto exactly the sentaments of that which Rick stated. I also had heard about your son, but had no way of re-contaction you to let my heart felt feelings be known for your loss. I will say that any one that uses these types of tragedies to bring some one else down, is very low indeed in my book and it was probably wiser that you kept it a secret at that time for the reasons you stated.
I can honestly say that I am very glad to see you back and that it does my heart well to see you on your feet again looking to the future in a possitive note...
Hope every thing goes very well with your new lady freind.
wow DS, i am truley sorry to hear about your loss. How tough it must have been, and must be.

And when you spinkle your sons ashes at all corners of the world, he won't think you lost your mind, he will be proud to be you son.
Thanks Russ.......and Elkfarmer, I'd sure like to think so, but reality tells me it is something I do for myself......but so be it. It does make me feel better.

Man Rick......the more things change...... the more they stay the same...huh? The years roll by and lots of chit happens but we always seem to come full circle and belly up to the bar and talk huntin'......I honestly think it is not only theraputic, but is also deep within us to do so. Hunter/Gatherers we are.....first and foremost....the rest we have added in ourselves, and a good part of it is bullshit. But I guess we can save the philosophy for another topic ;) ......good to be back with you guys :cool: .....

Originally posted by Deerslayer:
I have met a great woman who wants nothing more than to marry me. Why I am not sure :rolleyes: ......
It's the Lucky Leopards man ;)

I had writen you off as gone from the Net..... Glad you're stopping in every now and then. You're the Guy that Coined "MOOSIE" and you post kind of like me ....... When ya Pause , there is a Bunch of ........ :D :D Hehe The difference is the spelling and typing ;)

Welcome home bud..... Welcome home !!

UHHHhh How come every time you get involved with a Post there is Multiple pages on it .... HEHEH ... Good ol' days
Yeah....if I would have just had the sense to patent the name "Moosie" before I coined it maybe I'd be rich and things would be different
......but then again probably not :D

Are you implying my invovlment in a topic is one of contraversy and instagation or could it be my docile personality and overall irresistable charm seems to draw folks in?
......yeah, that must be it

If you find yourself against the wall on your sheep hunt....don't forget you do have connections to someone in southern Wyo who is known for his sheep hunting prowess....and harvesting of 200 inch rams :eek:

[ 06-13-2004, 10:57: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]
Thanks It.....that means a lot coming from you.
You've always had my respect.....

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