Crybaby Montanans..............

Oak snapped it off for me so it didn't affect the net score. Said he was being nice?
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Cool looking buck. I think you have shot enough this season. Time to sit by the fire.
Soooooo..... I don't see a droptine on that buck.....

Oak snapped it off for me so it didn't affect the net score. Said he was being nice?

Good thinking Oak. Wouldn't want a ugly old drop tine coming off that rack. That would just ruin it.

Can't take credit for that. The real good thinking one was Dink for guiding our buddy to that buck a few days earlier so he wouldn't be tempted by that big ol' droptine. Smart....


  • Doug1.jpg
    166.2 KB · Views: 589
I'd have been tempted by the little droptine on the bucks left side.

Please interpret the term guide very loosely.
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Congrats to all involved. Looks to have been a good hunt. Those are some great deer. I love it when you wrap your hands around a set of horns and your hands look small on them...:D
Glad I came back to the post to see the hero shots. Great bull and buck Dink. But WTH is that on your upper lip?
If i saw that droptine i'd have to have oak because i would have never made it past him, my hunt would have been over, well hopefully. Congrats on a massive buck it is awsome.
Good grief what a buck! Congratulations buddy. Worth the wait.