PEAX Equipment

Crybaby Montanans..............

Pretty sure Dink was still crying and gnashing his teeth when we passed this one. Probably doesn't remember it.

And this one. Passing up the first buck of the day made everything else less tempting.

(These are video links, FYI)

By this point in the day we had seen so many bucks I started just laughing hysterically for 5 minutes, deranged is what these bucks had made me. Sometimes all the stars align and you made the right call on the right place on the right day. This tag had cost me a decent amount of preference points, not a lifetime worth, but enough to put on a little pressure. However, it had been such an awesome day I told Oak it was worth the points already.
And that was it, Oak never gave up the bullets and no deer was harmed up to that point. We started heading out so we could go slow and stop along the way to look at doe groups that we had already seen earlier in the day.

Now, Oak doesn't get terribly excited easily when he spots a deer, but with one look at a new buck that joined a group of does Oak starts talking funny and mumbling something about a big typical and you might need to get ready to shoot………………………….I on the other hand rattle easily and from here on out it was not pretty.

I get my stuff ready and start to try and get a range on him(can hardly see through range finder because I immediately fog it up) while Oak takes a look at him through the spotter, which didn't matter at this point because I saw him through the rifle scope and he was plenty big enough.

I've been on a pretty good roll of keeping cool and keeping ammo companies not offering year end bonuses over the past couple years, but let’s just say Remington employees should have a nice bonus at x-mas this year.

A volley of shots followed by a run down the ridge with a box of shells in my hand and another set up and he was down. He rattled me good……………..

Thank goodness for the rut!

I can’t thank the mighty Oak and the Hubble scope enough for the #1 best deer hunting day I’ve ever had!!

Wow! Time to change your forum name?

Congratulations to you and your friend/guide/bullet holder as I was certain you all had failed to take advantage of some fantastic mule deer earlier that day. That is a deer to spend your time getting home, no matter how much in need we might be in a superfund cleanup effort to mitigate the lead.
Wow....m-m-m-m-mass is all I can stutter T-Rex'd make that thing look huge. Congrats Dink.
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