Yeti GOBOX Collection

Crapping on toilet seats.....

As I was making a Deposit a few minutes ago, I took stock of what our facilities were made with and of the Setting. Go get one of those Black Industrial Toliet Seats and change the light bulb to a 40 watt bulb. Thats how they do it in the big city anyway!

We share restroom facilities for a whole floor and probably 100 people. Plus, we have messengers and delivery people in and out of the various offices all day long. In some cultures, apparently, the standard procedure is to squat on the toilet seat, hanging your ass over the hole and dropping your cable.
Other times, we have results of various noxious foreign diets left sprayed all over the entire seat due to assorted gastric disorders.
We have a mystery employee referred to as "The Right Angle Asshole." Two or three times a week, he somehow manages to get part of his poo high up on the bowl just under the seat, where no normally configured human being should be able to put his poo using normal pooing methods. I'm not talking "splashback," I'm talking solid chunks of poo stuck to the porcelain. It seems to be a physical impossibility, and yet there it is.

There are also those here who maintain "The List." This is an unwritten list of fellow employees. It is divided into "Offenders" and "Felonious Offenders." Offenders are those who pee and depart without washing the, the "quick rinse" doesn't count. "Felonious Offenders" are those who poo, wipe and depart without washing the hands. This list is assembled by word of mouth, as employees are observed committing their offenses. The funny part is that knowledge of The List is jealously guarded so that if you're on The List you have no idea that it even exists. If you are observed consistently using proper washing regimen you are privately informed of The List and its members.

Obviously, some folks around here have a little too much time on their hands. :rolleyes:
what a topic, i came in at lunch just to see how this one was progressing. it was worth it, now i'm crying from laughing so hard. i'm lucky in that i rarely ever have to log-out in a public restroom. i do however go into literally a hundred plus homes each year and unfortunatly must inspect the workings of the restrooms. it is just amazing to me who will have the nastiest bathrooms. cleanliness is not a requierment for many "professional" people at home, so i can see why it is not at the office. what just tears me up is the people who know that you will be in their bathrm and still leave sh-t or worse all over the place. blood all over the seat of the local hottie from the banks toilet seat will forever change the way you see her from then on. or how about your hunting buddy who asks you over for a cook-out and knew that you and the wife and kids were coming, after going into the bathrm your wife tells you that it looks they are toilet training a monkey in there. but the worst for me has happened just these past few weeks, been taking the boys to the "Y" for a swim in the evenings and the locker room is reasonably clean. but when we come back thru at closing time there is a big sh-t smear on top of the bench between the lockers!! the only thing that i can figure is that this guy with a nasty ass has to sit down to put on his underware. YUCK!! this has happened three times in the past couple of months. so moosie if yer ever passin thru the area stop by and i'll take you to the "Y" for a swim. we can check out the crowd and guess who the bench marker is. twodot
you guys bitch to much :BLEEP: i drive a truck and some truckstops are nastier than the sewer systems they drain into.ok so now you know the real reason i try to meet everyone on the board. :D





:eek: :eek:

I had to do ithump
Moosie ya need to get a job runnin a skidder ona loggin crew.Jesus its awesome havin your choice of pristine places to shit an piss all over before ya trounce all over it with them 6 ft tires.

I've been known to try to set up a couple "land mines" for foresters. :D

Maybe this does belong in S.I. :D
Have each of your employees clean the bathroom for a week at a pop....
You won't have to pay for a janitor and they will maybe start to show a little appreciation for their fellow employees...
I think there are a few people that are just pigs no matter what is done though....
Send out a memo that if their caught, they will go home with out pay... :eek: :D