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T Bones Alaskan adventures

Why didn't you shoot a black bear? That's awesome, to see that many bears!! Neat pictures too. Pretty exciting to see grizzlies and the most moose too! The country has more growth than I expected, geeze, its in the arctic.
Thanks for sharing. And I thought that those types of hunts only happened to me. Look at the success rates for AK, especially for moose. You guys did well. Sorry that you did not get the trophy that you were looking for, but you had better success in one week than many of us alaskans get in a season. Kudos to you for calling in the bulls and making it a real "hunt."
Well I was lucky enough to be with T-Bone on the AK hunt. Overall it was a great experience. I was able to fill both my tag's early in the hunt and spent the rest of the time skinning, capping and hunting with Tyson and the other guy's.

I felt real bad for Tyson as he probably saw as much or more game than anyone but had shity luck getting a shot. The weather was a probably a little warm and rainy to make for ideal hunting conditions, but form talking to others that have hunted AK I think rain is a regular factor.

We had some good laughs and I enjoyed spending time with good friends that I don’t see often enough. It would have been great if everybody had gotten something as the feelings of frustration and panic kind of put a damper on the last few day’s of the hunt, but if I had been in someone else’s shoes I’m sure I would have had similar feelings.

I think overall our group of hunters had better that average luck. I talked with some guy’s at the airport and on the plane and there were plenty of others that didn’t get anything. Between the 6 hunters at the camp we got 4 moose and 6 caribou (one hunter shot 2). I know Tyson may think I am nuts but if I ever get the chance to go to AK again I would still consider using the same outfitter. The camp was great, the food was good, and the ability to use the jet boats (even with there limitations) allowed use to cover a lot more ground that we could have in a drop camp or even a float trip. The outfitter may not have been perfect but I think he did basically everything he said he would, but that is just my opinion.

T-Bone I have a disk with my photo’s ready to send to you. I will get it in the mail later today. I will be looking for job opportunities out here so we can get out and do some elk hunting again. Nothing like bugling in a big stinky bull elk to get your spirits back up.
Somebody make a Canada Forum and get this monkey-vulva out of here.

HAHA !!!!! C-eh?-N-eh?-D-eh ? And thats how "Canada" is Spelt ;)

Tom, Maybe I was Mistaken and they had a wack at a stack of Black bear. I sugest you buy those 5 over the counter tags and Go shoot a Black bear. Matter of fact, I'll give you 1 Grand for every one you bring back from that drainage. :D :D

I see Neither Deadeye nor T-bone answered the Hooker question... Looks like I need to make a trip to the Artic to find out myself .... hump hump
Great story/log on the hunts Tyson....there will be more critters and more days in AK for you I'm sure! Sounds like you were just seconds away on moose, 'bou, and a wolf and that's closer than most of us will ever get.

Couple of grizz squaring off must have been a real treat but that dip in the marsh/melting wader episode was something you definatley could have lived without I bet...not to mention being able to shit through a keyhole at 5 yards!

Tom...you didn't ask them about the shower?

Thanks for sharing your AK adventure. I'm sure over time your memories of this hunt will get better. Neat trip, your story should be titled "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly."
Sorry about the tough luck. Don't worry, you aren't alone. Sounds like one heck of a adventure. Definitely something that I'd like to try.