Cow Elk to 350 yards- which bullet to use.....


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2013
Central Minnesota
My wife drew a cow elk tag for Wyoming. She is probably going to be shooting a .270 Win. We don't hand load and only shoot factory ammo. If both rounds shot basically the same size group out of your gun, would you shoot cow elk with a 130GR Accubond, or a 150GR partition ?
I subscribe to the "Heavier is better" crew, but I don't know that you would notice any difference here. To 350 yards, both are great. I am a big fan of Accubond bullets, but in this case I would likely choose the 150 partition if my wife could shoot them as comfortably.

I think you'd be fine with either. I've never actually used partitions because they don't group great out of my 300WM, but all else being equal, the heavier bullet delivers more whammo on the recieving end. If there's really no difference in the way they group, I'd go with that. But like I said already, I don't think you could go wrong with either on a cow.
I personally like Federal Premiums w/ Nosler Partitions. I suggest you see which bullets shoot best in her gun. The Federal Premiums shoot well in mine, but others not as good. Groups open up more. I personally believe that the accuracy is more important than the weight. A lighter bullet hitting the engine is better than the heavier one straying into a shoulder, etc. But, like Brian says, if all the same, go for heavier.
140 Accubond. Works great in the .270 Should be able to find it factory loaded. Dang near any good bullet in the .270 will kill elk to 350. mtmuley
I personally like Federal Premiums w/ Nosler Partitions. I suggest you see which bullets shoot best in her gun. The Federal Premiums shoot well in mine, but others not as good. Groups open up more. I personally believe that the accuracy is more important than the weight. A lighter bullet hitting the engine is better than the heavier one straying into a shoulder, etc. But, like Brian says, if all the same, go for heavier.

I can say the 150 grain .270 Nosler Partition in Federal Premium ammo works very well. That's what my son used last year to take his bull elk at a measured 408 yards. It was a high lung shot that ended up as a full pass through.
I think either of those two would work, but like others stated already I would opt for the 150 if accuracy was the same. If it were the difference between a 140 and 150 then I'd say whichever shot best. If you could find some 140 Accubonds, like suggested, then I'd try those too.
I'm going to go to the opposite end of given advice and suggest you use the 130 gr. accubond. It's got plenty of energy and several inches less drop for longer shots. Every caliber has its most efficient bullet weight and IMO 130 gr. and .270 are like baked potatoes, butter and sour cream.
At longer ranges, ide say they are both great bullets. Whichever bullet is more accurate out of her gun at long range would be my pick. But I've had a bad experience with accubonds when shooting at close distance (60 yards or less). Partitions always performed great for me at any distance.
Thank everyone for the input.

The gun is a Tikka T3 and is about 4 years old. I know the 150GR Partitions shoot well out of the gun (Federal Premium) I'll see how the 130GR Accubonds group (Nosler Brand Ammo).

I also just ordered 140GR Accubonds loaded by Winchester from Midway. Anyone have any experience with the 140GR Winchester loaded Accubonds?
I would suggest you try 4 or 5 different cartridges (all good bullets like those mentioned above) and then let your gun tell you which one IT likes best.

Good Luck, Be Safe,
Either will do the job just fine. I have been using the Nosler Partition in 150 grains for elk for the last twenty years and have no complaints.
I have taken several elk with a .270 Win. with 150 gr. Nosler Partitions.
I'm going to go to the opposite end of given advice and suggest you use the 130 gr. accubond. It's got plenty of energy and several inches less drop for longer shots. Every caliber has its most efficient bullet weight and IMO 130 gr. and .270 are like baked potatoes, butter and sour cream.

Gerald gives good council here. I've witnessed maybe 3 dozen elk being killed by the .270 over my life. My dad, brother, son, and TJones's son all shoot that caliber using the 130's.
I have used the 150gr Partition Gold at 2,850 FPS to take 2 elk and 2 mule deer out of my .270 with DRT results. Ranges were from 160 yards to 20 yards. The Partition Gold is no longer made, but the regular old plain jane Partition would work just as well.
Thank everyone for the input.

The gun is a Tikka T3 and is about 4 years old. I know the 150GR Partitions shoot well out of the gun (Federal Premium) I'll see how the 130GR Accubonds group (Nosler Brand Ammo).

I also just ordered 140GR Accubonds loaded by Winchester from Midway. Anyone have any experience with the 140GR Winchester loaded Accubonds?

I used this exact same bullet to kill my bull in CO 2 years ago. Granted the shot was only about 125 yards, I thought the bullet worked great. My 270 loves to shoot them.
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