Wow! Who is triggered? Did these classmates of yours die as a direct result of not wearing a mask and catching covid? If the average age of your classmates was around 59, they had about a 0.014% chance of death from covid. I am neither an epidemiologist or a statistician, but your statistical class size would be around 35,750 folks given the current total U.S. infections. There is a serious anomaly here that you may want to bring to the attention of the CDC.+1
Praying all goes well for you and yours, Jason.
**Trigger Alert **
I have lost 5 high school classmates (1979) and two family friends. Mrs45 and I have been through multiple exposure scares, testing, and isolation.
I've had it with all the F'ing know-it-alls on both sides of this. If you live in BumF^ck, ID , population 10, and you feel safe, good for you. But stop telling the world you know anything about pandemics, because you don't.
All of you blocking the streets with your signs denigrating wearing masks (and vice versa) have too much time on your hands. Go fishing or something.
Seriously man, take a breather from cussing out random folks. Might also do you some good not to assume all folks from small towns are know nothing rednecks who dont have access to information or have a right to an opinion.
I leave blame and politics out of this, except for China. I also pray for our President and First Lady.