PEAX Equipment

Couple New Mexico Bulls

That was an excellent hunt report, well done!

Great bulls, great pictures, great story. Hell, it was all awesome!

Congrats on a fantastic trip.
Congrats, Brian. That is a wonderful story of a great hunt. Congrats to all in your camp.
Good stuff Brian. I love the small world connection in that I went to HS and lived with Tony for a few years and here he shows up on a hunting forum. I've got great blackmail if you ever need it. ;)
Very nice, I read this last night and there was only one story, I must have been jumping the gun, very nice triple on the elk.... some studs.... congrats....
Good stuff Brian. I love the small world connection in that I went to HS and lived with Tony for a few years and here he shows up on a hunting forum. I've got great blackmail if you ever need it. ;)

That is crazy. Tony was a fishing guide in AK with my buddies Cody and Eric years ago. I do a lot of fishing with him in the NW and now we've got him addicted to hunting!

I think he mentioned you were his only Washington Husky friend he has. LOL.

Go Ducks!
I know he's sandbagging on that comment as he was in a UW Fraternity while going to CC prior to going to that dump in the Palouse. I told him he needs to come to CA and hunt pigs with me. One of thsee daysI'll get back to the PNW with some time so he can take me out fishing.
Hello everyone! I'm BMack's old man.
We had the hunt of a lifetime! Great friends & family, great food and good times!

Everyone pitched in, everybody got along, everybody laughed hard, everybody worked hard! Kind of rare it happens like that. What a blast! I'd go again even if I didn't have a tag.

Thanks to everybody in camp "Never Break Stride"

Gonna have to change my handle to "BigBull 330+"
This hunt was pretty incredible not only in terms of the bulls we harvested and the country we were in, but also the family and friends that made up our camp. My wife and I both hunted and brought our 10 month old son to camp. Luckily, both of his grandfathers are hunters and came to camp to do some meat packing and babysitting. Suffice to say the little guy had a blast playing in the dirt in camp and actually said "elk" as one of his first words while on the trip. Here he is with grandpa Harold:

I was also fortunate to watch and film Bigbull301 kill his bull after a hard day of hunting. Pretty incredible to watch. Here is the view from the ridge where Terry was laying in wait for his bull to stand. At the shot this open hillside simply blew up with elk...

Here's our buddy Mark (who is 6'11") and Terry with their opening day bulls:

I didn't end up doing much hunting as I packed a bit of meat and just enjoyed being in camp with my son, wife, father, father-in-law, uncle, and best hunting buddies. My wife passed on a bunch of bulls, hunted her heart out, and couldn't quite close the deal on a last day big bull. I ended up missing a shot at one of the biggest bull elk I will likely ever see alive in the wild. Here is what it looks like when you miss a bull of that caliber...I think I was just lucky to see him, and am treating the opportunity as a capstone to the trip.

We then packed up camp and the baby and headed North to Southern Colorado to hunt mule deer! 10 straight days of big game hunting with the baby. Pretty awesome experience...
Cody, I admire you and your wife taking your son out hunting at such a young age. That is as cool as it gets. I was hoping you would get that big bull, given some of the rumors I had heard about him. Very bummed for you. Hopefully you find a bigger one next year.

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