Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Content Production - What and How to Present?

Seriously, we have pulled every video about the Raptor. Just seems that talking about a new vehicle purchase is too indulgent and superfluous for these times. An example of how these times are influencing what we are scheduling for content.

I would say it takes a pretty good leader to see the forest and not just the trees.

I for one am happy that you are a "face" of hunting. I hope your mentality rubs off on some of the yahoos that need it the most.

I see that you are taking the responsible socially aware route and I can understand and respect that. However, I say, go through this next hunting season with as much normal content as possible. Maybe you have to go to pains to show the steps you take to avoid social contact during your trips but otherwise nothing should change. When and if SIP restrictions are lifted you need not feel like going on hunts would give off an "elitist" vibe. When I go on my hunts this fall, I am not going to feel guilty about it, neither should you.

With that said, some ideas to answer your original question is:

1. Take a stroll down memory lane. Grab a set of antlers or horns and recount the story of the hunt, give additional details about the hunt that we didn't see in the episode, include pictures or video if available.
2. First time hunters. Find some local first time hunters, youth hunters and film their first hunt.
3. Small Game. I like the multiple species of grouse idea that was already proposed.

I wish I could think of more.
Had to log on and say your intro post was well put, appreciated.

For content... something about how cow hunting is ridiculous and Colorado is one of the worst states for elk, ranks somewhere down below Alabama.

Stay healthy all, and have consideration for health care professionals who are exposed to virus daily.
I don't think your typical season would be out of order assuming (as you said) the SIP is removed. But I really like the spin BuzzH put on it. Focus on some of the "smaller" hunts. A good reminder to many of us of how we got into this sport in the first place. Also good for some of the late onset guys for whom much of the hunting press/media may leave them thinking hunting is all about a b&c elk rack.
For more office type videos I enjoy the escouting series that shows how to research and plan new hunts. Possibly look at doing this for other game such as deer. Marcus's cooking videos are always nice to watch as I enjoy learning new recipes for wild game. Maybe also a video about long term application strategy for moose, sheep, and goat discussing what states are really worth applying for?
I think you’ve pretty much outlined your course of action already, which is to do what you’ve always tried to do - produce compelling content that is both socially and economically viable on some level. And this year it will be done through the lens of COVID.

You’re just like everybody else around here except more hardcore and with a camera guy. Start the story now. Explain the situation like you have in the thread. Pull back the glory apps if you can do so without sacrificing time (read points) and substantial dollars. Focus on hunts around home like many of us may have to this fall. If it’s out of state, maybe only OTC, leftovers, etc. this year due to the situation. On the other hand, explain to the viewers that you too have dreams, and maybe you kept some apps in because you’ve worked hard and are ready to capitalize on odds going from 0.2% to 2%.

Maybe you can’t risk burning points in WY so you aim for 2nd choice tags only cause they might ban interstate travel or close out nonresidents like they have in some places for turkeys this spring.

Continue the every person’s hunt theme like you have but this year it’s with COVID and it’s effects in mind. The content will be great like it always is, but just different this year. You’re scrambling like everybody else - tell that story - just more hardcore.
More good stuff being suggested. Helpful to me.

As to the post above, I personally like that idea. But, with some disclaimer explained below.

You'd be surprised about how many negative comments I get when I talk about donating quality whitetail doe meat to the Food Bank. I pay for it to be commercially processed so the Food Bank can accept it. I then go tip over a few does. When I mention game donations on social media or the podcast we get more negative feedback than positive. It is usually is something paraphrased as, "You just wanted to kill more things for the camera." or "Donate some of what you already have and let others shoot these does."

I get it. So this last season I went out to do my thing for the Food Bank and left the cameras in the truck. Ended up with a wolf that day, instead.

This is just one example that until folks got to read my emails and messages, it would be hard to predict some of the surprises that can put people "on the rant" about what we produce. I could have picked some topics mentioned earlier and they would have been similar examples about how audiences react to certain topics and content.

That's a shame. I'll bet those same people would gladly accept a $200 coupon for free store bought beef. They just don't get it I guess. Well I'm going to ramble a bit and hope something useful comes out of my mouth.
Your e-scouting series was pretty popular I thought and I don't know what you could do to emulate that but maybe something on projects the RMEF has done or working on or maybe highlight some places we can hunt because of new access.
It seems like you are saying that elk hunting is your meat and potatoes for your videos and that you are planning for 6 months from now. With that in mind then you have to try and guess what frame of mind people will be in and that depends how long this goes on. If we are still in this same place come November, nobody's going to be watching videos. I know I will go crazy by then. I personally think we'll be coming out of this by early summer and there will be some folks who weren't hurt too bad financially and will go on the hunts they already have planned. For these you could plan a couple of your regular hunts though maybe toned down a little. There are going to be folks who were hurt financially and still want to hunt but will have to stay local. I watched one of your videos where you were whitetail hunting with a couple old
friends and I thought that was very enjoyable because it looked like it was a hunt anyone could do around their home area, it was simple, funny and everybody was having a blast.
The last group are people who just can't go hunting this year but would still like to watch some hunting videos and get some tips for next year.
Maybe some truck camping/scouting videos.
I personally like the "Why I hunt" video and when you talk about the experience of being in the mountains but that's just me.
Assuming that it doesn’t violate any guidance by government agencies by the time fall hunting seasons arrive, you could show how to do an out of State trip responsibly given the current situation. Camping vs. hotel, having food for travel prepared in order to lessen contact, etc.
I wouldn’t worry about going out of state being perceived as thumbing your nose at people who got hurt by the economy, at least not unless a lot of other here think that it would be. To me, most of your hunts are more of a dream for me than something that I plan on doing in the near term. The difference between your show and most others is that for the most part, there’s actually a chance that I could do it someday, and so could most people. Maybe not every year, and maybe not as many times per year, but we can watch you, and see adventures that we could at least picture ourselves partaking in. I don’t think that many of us would hold it against you if you go. I cant currently afford a sheep tag in most states even if I drew one(but there is UT and TX) and I don’t hold anything against Mike Spitzer for going on a sheep hunt. I wouldn’t see this any differently.

I’m on my second time through OYOA, and soon to hit Fresh Tracks, then on to rewatching all the day by days. I’d love some new content. I say, if there’s a hunt y’all can do, do it. If you can’t travel much, film what you can. I’ll watch. Ain’t gonna be no new movies out this fall. I can’t remember the last movie I watched, but somebody watches them, and they ain’t gonna have ‘em...they might as well watch you go hunting.
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After skimming some other posts I feel like I need to add something. You and most of your crew/guests are funny and/or just fun to watch and listen to. Frankly, you could probably release all manner of non-hunting content on YouTube and still be quite entertaining.
Personally, I think you should plan to hunt everywhere you had already planned to this fall.
Covid 19 isn’t going to last forever, and although everyone’s ability to hunt is probably going to be curtailed somewhat by financial constraints, I don’t think you producing your normal content is “ rubbing it in.”

Your videos are part inspirational, part entertainment. There’s very few people hunting as much as you even during the best of times so it makes quality content that reminds us of what’s available even more important in trying times.

I think a continuation of your focus on hunting with OTC tags or easy to draw tags is a great idea.
Show us how to do our taxes!!!

But honestly, I really enjoy the bloopers videos with Larry and Michael as well as the "random" hunting/gear content. I also really enjoyed the e-scoutting video Dan did on black bears, I really liked his approach and the way he did the video.

Overall, any video you guys will come up with I will watch, you are by far my favourite hunter and your crew is outstanding. I've watched all of the fishing content and I normally hate angling videos, I just enjoy your channel, crew and content.
Keep on going! Your videos are not only great to watch and wish I was there type of thing but pretty darn good at being instructional for the rest of us that haven't had the chance to do that "yet".
I think you should do all the hunts you have planned, film everything you wanted to. And then release what you fee is appropriate and when you feel it is appropriate. I think your videos are great and you all do a great job. Most of all you enjoy being out there. It is obvious you are out there to hunt and the filming is a bonus for us. I know you have talked about how much you enjoy the trips and do them because you love them and the people you do them with. Don’t let the filming of the shows be what stops you. Just like the raptor videos, if it’s not the right time or a particular video seems in appropriate to release either don’t release it or do it when appropriate.
Regardless of what hunts you do or don’t do, I think people are generally more open to the personal aspects of experiences right now. Lots of good ideas above.