congrats SHECAT !!!!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
ON getting a bear !!!!!! I didn't make it to the Phone fast enuf.. I was getting the kids out the bath !!!! I think I cut of fthe message but I hear it's a DANDY Blondy !!!!!FILL US IN !!!!! I tried calling today after work like 5 times... Whats up with your phones :D:D:D
Way to go Shecat

I knew you could do it

hey did you sav me the meat no one likes.....LOL.....

Congrats on getting your certainly deserve it after all the time and work you've put in..
Looking forward to pictures,hopefully by then I'll figure out how to get more than white squares with red x's in them :D
'nuff said
See what happens when ya try to take a picnic basket from a lady in wyoming, kerbooom !!! instant "rug":D:D:D way to go Shecat!! Cant wait to see the pics!:D:D
Oh Shecat,Way to go I am sooooo happy for you.Way to shoot.That is so cool that you and doug got to do this togeather.Pictures Please.Thats the way to stick with it.
Thanks you all for the congrats for sheCat. I was so proud of her and she was so excited to finally be on the right bait on the right night!!!:D:D She was about to give up on me. She even said last night would be the LAST night for her. Anyway I think I coulda talked her into two more days.....HEHE It is a beautiful Cinnamon colored bear just like what she wanted, most of you probably got my email on it already, but for those that didnt, It has a black face, kinda looks like a grizzly bear. It has some blonde coloring on the head also, so its kinda neat. I teased her about killing Boo-Boo bu8t she didnt like that too good.. We did get pictures, as the bear came in early enuff in a snowstorm, and then it cleared off, we took pictures and I skinned it and we were home an hour earlier than usual. SHe will take the rest of the roll of film today and get it off to be developed. I am so proud of her. I think shes really hooked now, so I will have a little stiff competition..:D:D Jason (cathuntmt) is gonna do a lifesize mount for her. Cant wait to see it mounted up. bcat

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 14 June 2001 07:31: Message edited by: bcat ]</font>
Congrats shecat. I am so happy for you. I am anxiously awaiting the pictures now. Sounds like a really nice bear and the full size mount will be great. Glad you and Doug were able to do this together. ;)
Now you're a true bear hunter, SheCat. If you're half as excited as bcat you will have had a whale of a time. Now that you've gotten one over bait, it's time to go out amongst them and do the mano a mano thing. Again, congratulations on persevering and getting YOUR bear!
Thanks everyone! I was a whale of a time!! I had told Doug for the longest time that I wanted a bear with dogs because I love the lion hunting so much, but this year when we had all three baits and no one to come to them he convinced me to go ahead and buy a tag. From then on it seemed that no matter where I was the bear was somewhere else.

All I had was a complete set of munched up honey jugs! The night before I shot this bear we were just getting ready to leave as it was starting to get pretty dark, when out in the open strolls this bear! We couldn't tell however if it was a sow with cubs or not so we just left. It rained all night on us then too! So yesterday we tromp into this Hell hole again for about the 50th time!!! Snowing, Wind blowing, and the whole time I am thinking "Do sane people really do this fo fun?"
I told bcat, this is it if the bugger doesn't come in before dark again, I AM NOT COMING BACK!!! ( I know, whine whine whine.)
So here we are wrapped up in a sleeping bag trying to stay warm and bcat says "there is your bear." He was strolling along the edge of the timber. I got ready and he turned and went back into the timber! bcat is going. "We will never see him again!" purely disgusted with me for not just blaming away! hehe. We sat there for about 5 more minutes and I could hear him back behind the bait, messing around. I got to watch him come in from the back side of the bait and then he just grabbed a doughnut and layed down to enjoy his meal. If I would have shot him then it would have been one of those you know what shots! Anyway he got up and came around to the front and I am ready. (I HOPED!) then bcat says. "are you shaking?" "don't close your eyes." etc etc.
I shot the first shot and the bear starts doing cookies! bcat is yelling in my ear. "SHOOT HIM AGAIN>" So I did, he is still kinda doing cookies so once again. I was pretty calm for the first shot but after that I have no idea!!! Anyway I hit him all three times. once in the foot.
Blew his nose off! and then in the neck!
I know that bcat was having too much fun watching me! And it was truly too much fun!
I really do have to thank my Outfitter! :D I was probably the crankiest client he has ever had and the lowest paying one. :D:D
I have to finish up this roll of film but will post pictures as soon as possible.
Shecat, congratulations on your bear. It sounds like it's really somethin'. Can't wait for the pictures.

From what I heard last night on the chat, I need to ask a question. Who was pumped up the most, you or your husband? I heard he was so jazzed that he couldn't hardly talk. That's a good thing though. I'm sure he enjoyed it more than he would if it had been his bear. :cool:
Dan, I think it was probably a toss up. I think he was probably just as suprised as I was when I actually hit him. LOL I kept telling him that when I actually saw the bear I would probably shoot straight in the air! He was pretty excited though!

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