Confrontation with security guard over Idaho public road

Link does not work. Goes to some other news. Not your fault just more internet bs. :( Like you have to watch x amount of ads & crap before you can watch the news clip.

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Link works for me. Shocking to see this happening after they have been such good neighbors in the Durfees...
Well, it has to suck for the residents that used this land for recreation for many years, but it has always been private land so it was just a matter of time before things changed. But, they don't have to be jerks about people driving on the public road. Luckily they won't be able to block access to the NF land at least. Like I said, it sux! We just lost access to a private lake in SD that the owners had set up for public use since the early 90's, the GFP had invested a lot of $ in boat ramp maintenance, walleye stockings, and tagging research. Suddenly the owners son decides no more access for the public unless the gfp gives him what is rumored to be some extraordinary compensations. Now, our favorite #1 lake in SD is suddenly off limits, so yeah, I feel ya, but chit happens I guess.
What that link talks about is happening all over and you just have to know where you're legal to travel and where you can't. For that armed guy to stop him on that public road just because he thought MAYBE the guy was going to trespass was a bunch of baloney and the owners comment about why he did it was also a crock!
The security guy and the company may want to be careful about physically stopping people without legal justification. The article did mention that the guy stopped and was contacted by security and said he wasn't physically detained. But if someone was stopped in such a manner they felt they had to comply, and it wasn't legal, the company and the guard could face some civil and/or criminal issues.
The security guy and the company may want to be careful about physically stopping people without legal justification. The article did mention that the guy stopped and was contacted by security and said he wasn't physically detained. But if someone was stopped in such a manner they felt they had to comply, and it wasn't legal, the company and the guard could face some civil and/or criminal issues.

I have had to hire security detail at times for various reasons. Do not go cheap. Hire off-duty law enforcement. Parole officers are the value point in my market. Off-duty officer knows the rules and has full powers as if on-duty. Hiring a regular guy is creating a lot of risk for them and you since the laws vary by jurisdiction and binge watching Cops on tv is not sufficient training for the $15/hour guy who was a bar bouncer last weekend.

Private land is private so I have no issue with eliminating access just as I do not let people casually stroll through my yard or house. I do let the neighbor kids fetch their Frisbee or baseball but I do have a fence for a reason. I like enjoying my property and privacy.
What that link talks about is happening all over and you just have to know where you're legal to travel and where you can't. For that armed guy to stop him on that public road just because he thought MAYBE the guy was going to trespass was a bunch of baloney and the owners comment about why he did it was also a crock!

Sure would be nice to see a video from before the encounter till the situation was over. The 3 sides theory applies well here.
I wouldn't even waste my time stopping for that dude. If he accosted and tried to detain me, I'd sue him and his employer for all they are worth.

Same here. I had a similar situation last year in PA. I was walking up a state forest road the serves both the forest, 1 hunting camp and a house. The guy at the house asked me where I was going, I told him I was heading up the road to go hunting, he said it was a private road (I had checked with the DCNR to make sure there was still a public easement prior to this) I told him about the easement, then he said the state didnt own the bridge, told him to have the state cops waiting on me around 5pm when I come out. When I did come out he had totally changed his tune. In a nut shell he was trying to intimidate people into not accessing the state land so he would have a private hunting preserve :mad:
Quick reading says there is a 66 foot easement for the road. Armed rent-a-cop playing forest ranger that aint got a clue what "FS" means...I laugh in his face and continue on. If he follows its harassment. I'd really like to see these lands that have been harvested enter an agreement that they are semi-public. Public use until the next harvest.
I always save the local game wardens cell phone number on speed dial for just this kind of issue. While hunting in Wyoming on a HMA, another hunter that was hunting the adjacent private property that has access from a road on the HMA stopped me and my hunting partner on the road and told us that we were not allowed on the road and we better leave. After we showed him the HMA property map of open roads he clammed up and went on to say his hunting partner works with the Wyoming game and fish department and knows the game warden. I told him great lets give him a call. He didn't take me up on the offer. Douches.

It's really a shame that some people have this extreme competitiveness or Holier than thou syndrome and actively lies and confronts legal hunters. It's a sad day when this happens and I.m sad when I realize this people consider themselves part of the hunting community.
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