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Component Availability

Primers are still the hardest things to get. Powder is getting easier. Have gotten over 100# in the last month. Have only received 15k primers with 10k being 209. Ammo is definitely coming back. Might not be the exact thing you want but there's something available for every caliber.
It’s out there it might take a while to get what you want but it’s out there. If in anyone in northern Nevada needs anything pm me.
Primers are still the hardest things to get. Powder is getting easier. Have gotten over 100# in the last month. Have only received 15k primers with 10k being 209. Ammo is definitely coming back. Might not be the exact thing you want but there's something available for every caliber.
Was any of that 100# the good Reloders?
Was any of that 100# the good Reloders?
Everything is either imr or hodgdon. I can get some winchester, shooters world, and western but no one uses any of it except for the winchester. To make any of it profitable you have to get a lot at a time. The shipping charges on hazmat are crazy now.
Was shocked to see H4350 and several other powders on the shelf at a LGS this morning, until I saw the price tag. $110 for a pound of H4350.

At that price, nah. I’m good.

I'm sticking to my "Covid" recipe for my .300win mag the foreseeable future. For whatever reason I can find a ton of 7828 ssc around here + hammers online... brass is absolutely ridiculous, still, when I look online and I can't find it in stores so I have been just buying cheap federal ammo for practice and then reloading it.

$ 120 + shipping from midway for 50 pieces when I can buy a box of loaded federal for $44... seriously WTH

I don't get near the performance and groups I'm sure some on here demand... but hopefully it's good enough for my hunts for the next couple of years.
Everything is either imr or hodgdon. I can get some winchester, shooters world, and western but no one uses any of it except for the winchester. To make any of it profitable you have to get a lot at a time. The shipping charges on hazmat are crazy now.
I expect that everyone and his dog is cashing in.
I think I have this figured out. First they take away all the components for a year. Then the bootleg scalpers take over at double and triple prices that we're glad to pay. Finally the manufacturers step back in and peddle their wares at triple prices that we're glad to pay just to get components. Yup! I got it all figgered out.