PEAX Equipment

Component Availability

Unpopular opinion, this train of thought will only further this shortage/price hike. It’s not that the powder isn’t available, it’s that everyone takes as much as possible for no reason, I.e, “the guys talked me into it.”
Really so I’ve been waiting on this powder for two years and I’m in the right place at the right time. I’d hate to see your reaction if I bought an 8 pound jug. I’d like to think that components will come back but I think they won’t back like years before. FYI 4 pounds isn’t hoarding it doesn’t go bad and it’s only half a year of shooting for me.
All they have is Vihtavuori every time I am there. Hell, our local Bob Ward's in Hamilton gets that. mtmuley
I know you’ve got your load dialed, but if you get a wiled hair, try some VV 568. Burns a little slower than H1000 but very consistent.
Natchez has had CCI BR2s, 400, 450 and 550 primers for a few days now. Seems like the regular CCI large rifle and large rifle magnums have been non-existent for a long time though.
My 6.5prc Lapua brass just got delivered today from Creedmoor Sports. I ordered it in December though so none in stock now, but at least shows that some are being made and shipped out.
Yes they are. I got 2 bricks from them 2 weeks ago. Gold medal large rifle and Federal 215 Magnum primers. There out of the magnums now.
Not sure if you guys out West have RK (Rual King) but I was in there today and they have 30-06, 7mm Mag, 300 Mag, .270, .308, .243...pretty much everything except 7mm08 which 3 months ago they had and bought a couple boxes. I reload and am pretty set on everything but am always keeping an eye out for 7mm08 brass and Varget powder.