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Commercial Backpack meal brands

Below are some items that might work. The calories per ounce on these are really good. I'm kind of over most of the mountain house/ dehydrated meals. I would like a bit more variety than a pro bar and mountain house meals. I think it really makes a big difference on the longer trips where it can get old after more than a long weekend. One meal that I really like (home made) is granola/ dried berries / dehydrated milk put into a baggie. Just add 4-5oz of water and have at it. Super simple, fast, clean and it has a bit of crunch. Kind of sick of eating mushy food too after awhile. I think with a little planning you could really eat a lot more variety in the back country than I see most others eating.

Knorr rice
Dehydrated beans
Knorr pasta
Peanut butter singles
tillamook singles cheddar
peanut M&M's
reeses cups
slim jims
dried cherries
cranberry/ raisan/ almond granola
bannana chips
oreo's box 5.2oz
candied peacans / traders joes?
Dried whole milk
dehydrated chicken
dehydranted beef?
mayo packets
olive oil
creem cheese
10' tortilla
trail mix
smoked nuts
peanut butter pretzels (10 Pieces)
emmy's organics coconut cookies
fruit leather
I’m looking at opinions for my elk hunt this fall. Although the prepackaged mountain house meals are tempting; I’d rather do some of my own legwork to have more variety. There are great options with dried meats (actually going to make my own beef jerky sliced and hamburger style), single packaged peanut butter, and dried fruits. I’ll probably buy some boil meals but I think your right; the same ole thing can be a downer. Especially if the hunt is slow or your not seeing anything. Thanks for the advise.
The Trailtopia chicken pesto pasta I had bear hunting this spring was pretty good. I too am going to probably try some Peak Refuel, Heather’s Choice, and Pff Grid meals this year. FWIW the Backcountry Fuel box is a pretty good option if you’re looking to try some new backpacking foods. They usually come with at least one full meal and a bunch of snack options.
Another vote for heathers choice. Limited flavors but exceptional quality.
I can't do the empty sugar calories, but almonds and jerky are go to snacks for sure
Mountain House gives me gut rot, I'm going all all dry foods this year. I might try dehydrating my own and see how it goes. Nothing worse than being in the Backcountry and you're stopping to drop trou all the time.
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