In Defense of Mountain House -- a Treatise

  • Thread starter Deleted member 16014
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As a foodie, I’d rather starve than eat any of this crap. I pack in nuts, granola bars, jerky - but none of this meal-in-a-bag nonsense. Ziplock pizza sounds better - need to try that. Calories schmalories. I need to drop a few lbs anyway 🤷‍♂️. Fasting = Focus. Give it a try.
Peanut butter. With nuts/seeds/raisins mixed in. Whatever else you can think of, it never gets old.
Love MH. I ate some MT grilled burger patties and potatoes/gravy a couple weeks ago. Yeah that's right I said burger patties... They haven't made those bad boys since about 2004. It tasted just as good as the one I ate a week before of the same vintage. The expiration date was 2014. I checked and they expanded all expiration dates from 10 to 35 years. I like to live dangerously.

If you haven't tried the new buffalo Mac and cheese, you should. The new chicken linguine is pretty good with a ton of cals per oz.
I always have a bag of MH around, leftover from trips and the beginning of new trips. Nothing I have is more than three years old.

How much MH are you stashing?
I always have a bag of MH around, leftover from trips and the beginning of new trips. Nothing I have is more than three years old.

How much MH are you stashing?
I have a few tubs worth, and a few in there that are well over 10 years... mostly chicken teriyucky. The patties came from a prepper who was cycling out his outdated stuff. I probably have 50-60 packs on hand at any given time. I snag them up when I see a good deal. We go through a lot in a year between all the trips and family stuff we do. Costco is usually the best deal, but it's once a year boxes and limited types. MH is running sale at the moment at well, or were a few days ago. Some stuff was half off. I've eaten through about 50 packs this year so far. Which is sad when I think about it. More than 10% of my dinners have been MH
I have a few tubs worth, and a few in there that are well over 10 years... mostly chicken teriyucky. The patties came from a prepper who was cycling out his outdated stuff. I probably have 50-60 packs on hand at any given time. I snag them up when I see a good deal. We go through a lot in a year between all the trips and family stuff we do. Costco is usually the best deal, but it's once a year boxes and limited types. MH is running sale at the moment at well, or were a few days ago. Some stuff was half off. I've eaten through about 50 packs this year so far. Which is sad when I think about it. More than 10% of my dinners have been MH
I just counted mine downstairs as we prepare for more deer/elk hunts. 19. I ordered 8 more MH before the count. Son is going to buy a bunch of PR too.

3/4s of them will be ate in October.
I used a variety of Mountain House entrees on a 3mo's walk on the Appalachian Trail in the summer of 1977. Given today's choices, I won't put that chit in my body.
Remember like 20 years ago when there were basically two brands of freeze dried meals? Mountain House and Backpacker's Pantry.

Mountain house was cheap, and you know what always tasted good? MH Beef Stroganoff and MH Lasagna. Guess what still tastes good...MH Beef Stroganoff and MH Lasagna. It's not that healthy, uses low end ingredients, and gets a lot of shade for making people crap their pants. If your GI tract isn't dynamic enough to handle a little overprocessed comfort food on a backpack hunt I'd argue that's a you problem. I bet you crap your pants a lot.

Sure MH have a bunch of regular looking ambassadors, but no self promoting gunslingers eating their own signature peaches and oats randomly on a dock:
View attachment 294334

No accidentally discovering that the chili you bought has no meat in it. Sure I could've read the label, but it's chili c'mon:
View attachment 294336

They aren't as cheap as they used to be, but hey that's life. $8-$11 is still less than most every competitor and you can often find them on sale. They aren't bashful about marketing to hunters, and have probably warmed my belly and my heart on more hunts than any other single item.

I've tried at least a few meals of nearly every readily available brand. There are higher quality options sure; but hell if I don't love a Blue Ribbon and a Backwoods to celebrate a good hunt, and hell if I don't love a hot Mountain House.

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And why should I pay 4$ more for peaks biscuits and gravy when they don’t taste even 1 cent better?
MH never gives me heartburn. Peak does though.
MH is just the right size, not too big like peak.
Amen on the packaroons. Heathers choice seems quality but DANG it’s friggin expensive per calorie. I just can’t afford 15$ per meal, especially when it doesn’t always fill me up. And all the breakfast meals with hemp, taste like hay. They really are terrible. Mountain House hits the spot and doesn’t break the bank.
Gastrognome is pretty dang tasty I will say.

If you've ever eaten readywise they are absolute dog crap. Everything was crunchy except the meat it was like chewing a bouncy ball.
Only one data point here, but I wolfed down a sweet/sour pork meal on Friday night. It was as ok-ish as every other freeze dried meal I've ever had. I noticed about halfway through its expiry date...2013! Must have slipped through previous purges in the pantry. Not even sure if it was MH or BP, the package graphics were different than either is today. But I'm here to write about it. No issues. Also no bears on Saturday, the last day of the season, but my GI tract and I are none the worse for wear.

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