Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
Washington-AP -- Motor vehicle-related incidents are the leading cause of death for children between the ages of one and 15. But a study says those incidents can be reduced if speed humps are installed in neighborhoods.

The humps are raised sections of roadway that are designed to be traffic-calming devices. And they seem to be effective.

A new study says children who live on streets near a speed hump are up to 60 percent less likely to be hit and injured by an automobile than youngsters in areas without them.

The study from Children's Hospital Oakland in California was released today and appears in next month's issue of the American Journal of Public Health.
MY OPINION: "Traffic calming?" So, if I'm pissed off at some jacka$$ for cutting me off, and then I drive over a "speed hump," I'll magically be happy again. Amazing! :rolleyes:
Another study says that kids that have proper parenting, and are being observed while outside playing are 80% less likely to be hit or abducted.

Or if vehicles are outlawed and only foot traffic is allowed in residential, commercial or rural areas. The percentage of children being hit by automobiles will drop to 0%. The downside is that almost 100% of the adults will be late for work.
Another study showed 90% of alcohol abuse is attributed to speed bumps, Fact is they will cause you to spill your beer. be very carefull.
I don't know about you, but I have seen a LOT of scars in the pavement a few feet away from the speed mountains as a result of people jumping off them on purpose. I guess if you go fast enough you will clear the kids as they play while you fly over.

I think speed bumps are to keep all the low-riders out of the neighborhood, since they usually come with big bass speakers and rattling windows. :D
Naw I got the perfect deterent in my neighborhood if a car comes fly past my house they hit the Speed wall :D It's nice to live on a Cul de Sac
Heck I would just like to see a paved street!!