Kenetrek Boots

Combination Rifles

I had one in 30-30/12ga. It needed some work to get the scope mounts to fit right. Fun gun but I just ended up being limited with the 30-30. This was prior to leverevolution ammo or me being able to reload.
I always carried my dad's K-22 S&W revolver in my day pack when elk hunting. Shot a ton of grouse with it. Longs work best if you can find them. LR bullets have a tendency to go through too fast and birds sometimes fly off a ways. Longs knock em over and they don't get up. Once was given a Crossman air powered pellet pistol. Wouldn't kill a blue grouse even if I hit it in the head. Shooting grouse with a pistol is great practice for basic shooting skill. Kept me "in the groove" during big game season.

Drillings are usually exceedingly heavy. Would not be my choice for stalking. They are also usually exceedingly expensive. Follow up shots will be very slow to nonexistent.
I always carried my dad's K-22 S&W revolver in my day pack when elk hunting. Shot a ton of grouse with it. Longs work best if you can find them. LR bullets have a tendency to go through too fast and birds sometimes fly off a ways. Longs knock em over and they don't get up. Once was given a Crossman air powered pellet pistol. Wouldn't kill a blue grouse even if I hit it in the head. Shooting grouse with a pistol is great practice for basic shooting skill. Kept me "in the groove" during big game season.

Drillings are usually exceedingly heavy. Would not be my choice for stalking. They are also usually exceedingly expensive. Follow up shots will be very slow to nonexistent.
I had thought to maybe get one of those heritage 22lr revolvers, but I’m not that good of a shot with a pistol. I’m lucky to get 5” groups at 12yd.
I had thought to maybe get one of those heritage 22lr revolvers, but I’m not that good of a shot with a pistol. I’m lucky to get 5” groups at 12yd.
All the more reason to get a 22 pistol and learn to shoot it. It's not rocket surgery.
I had thought to maybe get one of those heritage 22lr revolvers, but I’m not that good of a shot with a pistol. I’m lucky to get 5” groups at 12yd.
A lot of accuracy with pistols depends on how well it fits your hand. Pick up a good set of grips. And learn to shoot it two-handed with left elbow rested against your chest.
For the price, you'd be better off getting a drilling. Guild guns can be had at the 1K mark, and you're shooting a variety of cartridges out of them that are in the 7mm Mauser range and up. At the upper end of your budget ($2K) you can get something nice that carries well and shoots great. I have a 16x16x8mmJR that is accurate enough for 100 yard shots and is a solid bird gun. It cost about $1100 at Cabelas 10 years ago or so.

The O/U designs are ok, but you're never going to keep the value in them like you do a Drilling.
In all seriousness, I think a suppressed .22 pistol is the answer here. Although I've never seen a trophy photo with a dead grouse and dead buck or bull together. One ol' boy in Bovill Idaho used to have friends from Michigan come elk hunting. They would never see elk but managed to get a limit of grouse every day. Now why do you think that is?
In all seriousness, I think a suppressed .22 pistol is the answer here. Although I've never seen a trophy photo with a dead grouse and dead buck or bull together. One ol' boy in Bovill Idaho used to have friends from Michigan come elk hunting. They would never see elk but managed to get a limit of grouse every day. Now why do you think that is?
Well, I don’t hunt elk, but I’m not seeing bucks when I’m out hunting even without causing a racket firing at grouse & quail. Another aspect to this is when the general buck season is here in Oregon. It runs pretty much all of October, however they’re pretty much nocturnal until the last week or so. Grouse and quail run Sept-Jan, and bear is Aug-Dec. So an O/U combo rifle would allow me to carry one gun no matter what I’m going for. Not that a suppressed 22 isn’t still a good option, but part of my hopes is to have fewer guns than I do now.
A friend of mine had one of those little Savages in the .22/20 gauge. The .22 was great but when you shot the 20 you had to look and make sure your arm wasn't severed at the shoulder. That thing was vicious.

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