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Coloring on Elk question


New member
Dec 16, 2000
A little over a month ago, I went on my first ever elk hunt in Northwestern Colorado... living in Ohio as I do, I don't see many elk and have a question on their colors.

While I was there I noticed that some of their coats had a dark cinnamon color with orange around their rump, and most of the coats were more greyish with very white around their rumps. Is this "just the way it is" or does the color difference have some significance to what they eat or where they come from or something? Thanks in advance for any responses. WD
Good question. The only difference I've noticed has been between cows (darker body, lighter mane) and bulls.

PS- You forgot the important part, did you get one??? :D
Hello onepointer!! Yep, I got one.... filled the cow tag. Saw 3 shooter bulls, one dandy, maybe a 5x5 or 6x6 but when I saw him there was only 15 minutes of decent (legal) light left and I NEEDED about 45 minutes at least to get to where I had a good shot at him. Oh well..... maybe next year. WD
Well i have noticed that the elk have different colors of coats during different times of the year and there is usually a difference in color between the cows and bulls but not always. :D
i know of a big bull that is choclete brown the rest the bulls there are normal and one time we saw a pieballed calf in the same spot.
Wayne, You have to quit looking for elk in citrus groves.. I hate it when that happens. :rolleyes: :p I can't say that I've ever seen an elk with an orange butt either. Usually it's something from pale yellow to white, depending on age and diet. I don't think I've ever seen a cinnimon colored cow elk either. I've seen a few bulls that were very dark, almost a cinnamon/Very dark brown colors, but it's always been during the rut when they are rolling in wallows and getting all primed to go smell good for the girls. I have seen very mature cows with a dark ruff almost like a bull and very dark tan coats.

Really don't know the answer to your questions. I think I need to go call someone who will know the answer.
