Deleted member 28227
95% of hunters use the points system.
That's a bizarrely specific and I think probably misleading statistic
Let's see I apply for MSG every year, and 2 years ago I applied for a hunt that was 75% draw for 0 points missed it, got a second choice tag and a pref point... so yeah I guess I "use the point system".
If the discussion is to increase wildlife populations, shouldn't we start talking about reducing cow elk tags in late seasons where you kill two with one shot? or the PLO tags with a season from Sept to January?
Heck yeah we should, I'm glad those are limited seaons where CPW can control the number of tags issued. I think it's definitely time to cut some tags.
As far as healthy habitats and ecosystems, sounds like your buying into wolf intro. I don't. We may find predators are having a large impact on ungulates and the reason for decline in the SW. We also can't control drought, and the SW has had drought. We also have nearly 6 million people headed to 7 million. Personally, I am a multiple use guy, love my gas fed RZR so wild places should be for all, not just horsebackers...
Wolves are a species that was until recently were present on the landscape, hunters have taken their places as the primary predator of elk and deer, and where allowed (outside national parks, outside of private land that doesn't allow any hunting) we do a fine job at maintaining healthy herd numbers. The american people decided that protecting species is important hence the ESA. There are wolves in CO, they fall under federal management under the ESA. I'm neutral on the topic, in general though extremely worried about wolves effect on CPW budget via license dollars... that said I would love to see grizzlies in Rocky Mountain
Agreed there are a multitude of factors that effect herds, which is why it's important for CPW to be able to control hunter numbers, it's one of the few variables in the equation they can manipulate.
I'm a multi use person as well, though to me that means providing places for people to do various activities, not that we need to have all actives everywhere. Some user groups dramatically effect a resource and therefore some actives need to be restricted in some areas.
"Recreational development is a job not of building roads into the lovely country, but of building receptivity into the still unlovely human mind." -Leopold
million. Personally, I am a multiple use guy, love my gas fed RZR so wild places should be for all, not just horsebackers, and 20 somethings with young knees.
Honestly, I'm probably not going to visit half the wilderness areas in the US in my lifetime... definitely won't get to visit even 10% of the national parks in the world, I'm still glad they exist.
“I am glad I will not be young in a future without wilderness.” -Leopold
Lastly, I never represented my own personal opinions while on the CBA board. I also do not hunt OTC elk, hunter density is high but I could always walk another mile and keep looking. I am off the board now, someone else should step up to represent the majority of member opinions. Influencing state government or anyone else for that matter is really discouraging, rarely successful, and time consuming.
THanks for the discussion, back to work for me.
I'm sure a lot, or even most of that work goes unsung, I appreciate you putting in the hours. I may disagree with you on somethings, but I fully acknowledge that we wouldn't be getting to have these conversations if you and people like you hadn't put in a ton of work.
I sincerely mean this, thank you for the time you gave.
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