Colorado Muzzy Season

I really like Cushmans's posts. Pure emotion! Speaks from the heart.

Dinkshooter, much respect. Does a lot for the hunting community.

You guys need to have beer in the same room with each other.
I have no problem with him. I just call them like I see them. I don't know him, but I have to wonder about the posts he's made lately.

So dink? What's the problem?
Me and Dink have jabbed back and forth for years over the CSEH thing. It's been fun to joke. I don't know him well, or have ever had a conversation with him in IM, but I would open my house to him if he wanted to come out my way and hunt antelope. Hell, I'd love to have a beer with him sometime. I think this time the jab wasn't thought out well before writing or meant to intentionally 'diss' me. But, no hard feelings. I'm still better looking :D
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Well, two posts were directed at me. One here, and one on the elk forum.

That's my main concern. I'm the type to face a problem head on, and get it settled.
I sure would like to do a Colorado muzzleloader deer hunt next fall ,but it falls at the same time as our youth hunt dates here in Michigan and I sure like watching my grandkids hunt.
Rooster...I knew we'd end up on the same forum again.

We've talked a lot, but I used a different name. I think I was using the name Still Hunter on that forum.

That forum disappeared.
I sure would like to do a Colorado muzzleloader deer hunt next fall ,but it falls at the same time as our youth hunt dates here in Michigan and I sure like watching my grandkids hunt.

They're not going to be youths forever and then you can drag them cross country for that muzzy hunt with grandpa and Colorado does youth hunts. If my spot clears out after a couple of years of people getting sick of the local herd not being there and they vacate and the herd comes back, I will get in touch with you and give you grid coordinates and tell you where to camp and even what color power bait the trout like :D
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That would be great. you can bet that when my grandkids get older I will be dragging them out to the high country. So far all they have seen are pictures.
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I'll be in 751 in the same remote wilderness drainage I've hunted the last 4yrs via archery, 1st and 2nd rifle. Taken a bull every year and never seen another hunter!!! I do my scouting and am a total lightweight camper/hunter who gets off beaten path and have had OTC hunts seem like limited draw hunts. They do exist in CO my friend/s. The 54cal is gonna have a chance to slay a bull...or cow for that matter!!! I take a solid 14 days for a 9 day hunt coming from MN I have to prove my spots I've found on the net btmy putting boots on the ground before opener. Go in and do a lil light scouting mid day and get out of there. Listen to the bulls bugle every morning/night is a killer for an impatient man such as myself. On a lighter note....muzzy season timing is awesome this year that's why I've waited to apply and saved my points for this year. Archery guys can play their games and we muzzy guys can play ours. May the beat man win...I plan on it!!!
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