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Colorado GMU Help


New member
Oct 1, 2017
So I PCSed to Colorado Springs this month and just got settled and now am looking into over the counter 2nd and 3rd rifle season bull elk tag. I am struggling with choosing which GMU to start with this season. My plan is a multiple day hunt, camped in a remote area.

What is a good GMU to start in that will give me a chance to get back in some wilderness away from other hunter and hopefully find some elk?

Also what rifle season is better 2nd or 3rd?

I appreciate any help y’all want to give. I am not asking for anyone’s “honey hole” (unless you really want to tell me) just a good place to get away from other hunters and see some animals.

Colorado OTC can certainly be overwhelming. I haven't really hunted 2nd or 3rd for elk, but 2nd season is generally more crowded and tougher hunting (warmer, less snow). 3rd season usually gives you the benefit of some snow being on the ground and that combined with the cold can keep people away. Also, many whitetail seasons tend to be in November so the 2nd season gives the easterners/midwesterners the ability to hunt in their own state as well.
I wouldn't stress too much about which GMU to choose. The GMU's west of I-25 all have elk. Figure out how far you're willing to drive and how far you want to be from roads, etc and go from there. The Colorado regional hunt guides give a good break down of hunter numbers and success rates too. Another good resource is the Colorado Hunting Atlas. It shows summer range, winter range and migration routes. Good luck in your endeavors!
Thanks for the info! Selecting a Unit is proving to be a daunting task but glad to know it’s not as big of a deal as it seems.
Since you missed bow season,I would chose 3rd season.I think having snow really helps with rifle hunting elk.Find a fresh track and slowly follow it to the elk.But,I really feel bowhunting is the best way to get into elk consistently.Next year you should give that a try.Look for wilderness areas in the unit you pick and hunt them.Otherwise,you will have to watch from being run over by 4wheelers.Use trails to get you in a ways,but from there jump off them to check out drainages a ridge or 2 over.Most guys won't hike far off the trails and they will push the elk back into these drainages where they aren't bothered.You'd be surprised a how few hunters you will see if any after leaving the trails behind.Good luck and pray for snow!!!
Are you a Colorado resident? I know the Game Fish and Parks made me wait until I had 6 months in the state and verified it using my orders in order today get resident tags. Unless you are ok with paying out of state tags. Not to up on the areas around Carson. Tons of spots in Southern Colorado. Lizard Head wilderness will get you away from people but weather is gonna be tricky for 2nd and 3rd season. Was going n the mountain today high of 23 and snowing. I’m rethinking my area for 3rd. Good luck.
First, per page 18 of the current Big Game Guide, you are good to go on the resident status. Second, there are a couple of CPW resources I would suggest. The hunting statistics and hunting almanac portion of the CPW websiteis where you can find numbers of hunters, harvest and success rates in those. Also, try calling the hunt planners from CPW to ask some questions or, if you have time, head to the CPW office on Sinton here in the Springs. If you have anything that you don't understand or any other questions, feel free to PM me.
Look around Gunnison. Unit 54 or so. Put in some work and you may find elk.

Welcome to CO, I did 10 years at Carson and my wife still there as an MP :). A friend and I, we are going to GMU 54 for 2nd rifle season. That area has some nice trails and also not many roads. Also, trails go into a nice super large wilderness area. I rented a camper trailer at the Ft Carson MWR mainly because of how cold it can get around Gunnison, CO but we will also bring our small tents just in case we want to stay out in the woods for a day or two. This will be our first time hunting this GMU but I had done tons of search. It looks promising for sure.

Also, check out Randy's youtube vids on post-rut and late season elk.
More info than you can shake your fist at, and all on public land.
Thanks for all the help! I think I’m on the right track. I will continue to go through the CPW info. I stopped by the the CPW office and had no problem getting CO resident status. Just had to show orders. And sorry to let y’all down but we are actually stationed up at the Air Force Academy. Thanks again for the warm welcome to the springs!
There really is no good answer to this question, or another way to look at it is there are about 80 good answers. Just about every mountain unit is going to have elk and some more difficult to access terrain.
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