Kenetrek Boots

CO unit 44 Otc 2nd or 3rd rifle

With several folks talking about the altitude, I'd also advise to make sure your gear is up to the task. Seen plenty of folks dreaming of hunting elk in Colorado and other great states, and good on ya, but many come out for a hunt and have inadequate gear (boots, optics, and pack comes to mind) and that can make a dream hunt miserable...just my 2 cents.
With several folks talking about the altitude, I'd also advise to make sure your gear is up to the task. Seen plenty of folks dreaming of hunting elk in Colorado and other great states, and good on ya, but many come out for a hunt and have inadequate gear (boots, optics, and pack comes to mind) and that can make a dream hunt miserable...just my 2 cents.
Can't agree more, Madman is right on! You can't take too much, if you forget one critical item it may ruin the hunt. I would add, if appropriate: propane, knives, pack frames, game bags, matches & firewood, cutting tools, sleeping bag liner (they really keep you warm), camp latrine, headlamps & extra batteries; different gloves, hats, boots, socks...list goes on and on! Also be very familiar with your choice of weapon, you can never plan on what type of shot you'll be afforded. Before you harvest an elk, whether it's a cow or bull; have the knowledge, energy, man power and equipment to get the meat in good condition back to camp. Then... a plan to keep the meat clean, cold and protected. Know your hunting partners; discuss and agree on camp chores and hunting tactics etc...Often, after two or three miserable days of hunting, someone in camp will start complaining and want to relocate, change tactics, go to town or just want to go home. ..the hunting lead will have to deal with that. Walking to and from camp in the dark also is a lot different and often a bit frightening than during daylight. Elk hunting requires ALL hunters to put their big-boy pants on and keep them on!!!
I'm trying to get a plan together for this year and was thinking of trying unit 44 in the 2nd or 3rd rifle season but I am open to suggestions. Does anyone have any input on this unit or suggestions for others?

Same boat as you I’m headed out for my first time this fall from Maryland spent the last 5 years in the service rucking hills in Japan and California so I’m not terribly concerned about the physical aspect but the actually researching is challenging without local knowledge I have not found a great local source of knowledge for the unit I want to hunt Yet …but been e-scouting the unit on Go Hunt and using the 3d app to determine terrain and migration corridors I have a decent idea of what to expect but who the hell knows. I’ve also been on the phone with the hunt planner and they have been able to answer some basic questions as well. Hope that helps a little and to anyone else out there who knows anyone with some additional knowledge on Unit 4 let me know. I’ve been putting in the work but would love to hear anyone from this communities thoughts on the unit
Tougher elk hunt. Some honey holes in there where they travel through, especially with Hunter pressure impacting their movement. Overall, population declines have impacted it.

The deer hunts there have been popular or highly prized but tougher to glass and predators have hit that area a bit as well.

If you have a choice and aren’t emotionally tied to that unit, I’d look into other areas personally. Just my 2 cents.
Same boat as you I’m headed out for my first time this fall from Maryland spent the last 5 years in the service rucking hills in Japan and California so I’m not terribly concerned about the physical aspect but the actually researching is challenging without local knowledge I have not found a great local source of knowledge for the unit I want to hunt Yet …but been e-scouting the unit on Go Hunt and using the 3d app to determine terrain and migration corridors I have a decent idea of what to expect but who the hell knows. I’ve also been on the phone with the hunt planner and they have been able to answer some basic questions as well. Hope that helps a little and to anyone else out there who knows anyone with some additional knowledge on Unit 4 let me know. I’ve been putting in the work but would love to hear anyone from this communities thoughts on the unit
Unit 4 had major winter kill last winter and I believe there going to draw every season this year.
Unit 4 had major winter kill last winter and I believe there going to draw every season this year.

Oh alright I’ll have to wait and see then. I spoke to the hunt planner who said things weren’t likely to change until 2025
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