Colorado Elk Season.........should be a good one.......



.......or so thinks the DOW. With any luck with weather at all, it should be a banner year. Last year was the worst harvest in a decade......due to higher tag fees, shitty weather, and elk holding in the highest wilderness areas for most of the season.

It all adds up to more older bulls running around this year than on average, so hopefully the woes of last year will turn to great hunting for this year for a lot of hunters.

I plan on getting high and back-in to avoid the hunting presure, and hopefully the weather will not be te advisary it has the last couple of years.
.......good luck to all and hopefully will have some great pics to look at ina couple 3 months.......

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-02-2002 16:57: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
I wish you and all Colorado Elk hunters a safe and fun time this fall DS. Elk hunting is an unknown for me at this time and will be so for awhile. :( But I get to enjoy it by hearing and reading about it from all of the great people here at Moosie's. :D

So this fall wack one for Nut! or is that wack your nuts? :confused:

Good to see you posting again. Where did you run off too?. .. yeah I sure hope this year is a good one. I drew a statewide muzz tag for elk. And a deer tag for the unit we talked about before. I want to get an extra cow tag also but I haven't decided where yet. Did you end up getting an antelope tag for wyoming? I did not get one for Colorado like I hoped. Any chance I could get a leftover for wyoming? Anyways good luck to you and everyone this fall.

Nut- you need to get out west and chase an elk. If you want to. I'm sure we can find you a state and an elk camp. If you want to...
I know it's going to be a good one !
Good friends, the high country, the smell of jamblya, about a hundred mature bulls, all lined up and doing the can-can !

I can see it now.....Hey Mark, witch one you want ? I think I'll take the 7X7 about twenty third from the left......boom !

We only have one problem...Indy wont be there
so you gotta do me a favor. When you & him go scouting..ya gotta remember some of his you can tell em to me around the campfire.
Dan!......I an never remember his jokes!!!!!!.....he is a friggin walking encyclopedia of jokes.......the man definitely has some stored memory, let me tell you! Hell, he could leave out the kiddie porn jokes and still have enough to tell one every 2 minutes for a week of elk camp!!! :eek:
........23rd from the left huh?.......sounds good my brother!!! least we ain't talking about shooting from the porch and ear tags this year! :rolleyes: can pack your bgs and come do a hunt with me whenever it hits you to do so.......your always welcome, and that goes for Vipress to! lope tags for Wyo.....or anywhere else. No deer tags for Wyo......or anywhere else. I will get to take 3 or 4 elk this year and hopefull a sheep, and maybe a carribou if the sheep hunts winds up real early, which I'm not expecting it to. That statewide smokepole tag you have is kickass! I hope you have a good plan. You will hear plenty of bugling!.....good luck!
.......oh, .....and where have I been?...........doing God's work! ;) DS
Hey Boys....

Don't worry, Dan... I'll give you an infusion of jokes before the season starts. I too have heard good things about the CO elk outlook! Let's just hope "ol Scar Leg" is still hanging out in or near the Encampment River Wilderness this fall. This year he'll be mine. I'm older and wiser now!

Can't wait for the scouting trip next weekend. I'm sure it's sure to be an experience. At least this time I get to ride in a saddle that's more for my sized a$$! That last saddle DS put me in must've come from the set of Little House on the Prairie! Man, my nuts turned into ovaries by the end of the first day!

Anyway... it won't be long now.... get the beers chillin and the flesh grillin'
My brother, my brother! you know you had to go through an "initiation" ;) .......and it did hurt me more than it hurt you, if you can believe that bullshit! :D The ponies are primed, and I instructed Austin to be nice and not throw your ass......the first day! :eek: Your ovaries will be pussy-willow after a weekend of riding the steep shit! :D but you'll be a better woman for it!HAHAHLOLOL

Dan........the ponies should be all greased up by the time you and I get them into the Flat Tops........they'll have had a week of teasing and tormenting Indy, so the play and fight should be down to a minimum :D and look at the bright side.......won't be getting you ass pushed off the side of the road where we will be.......cuse their ain't no roads!!! :eek: :cool: DS
Hope your state people are right DS! Good luck all and remember that there aint nothing like getting Ole' stinky out of his hole!

58 days and counting
.....they seldom are right Greg.......but what the hay......they could say it would be a shitty season and we'd still be there! :D DS

I hope you have a big freezer man. That's a lot of animals. Course you know that they are selling all of the leftover deer tags this year right? I'll bet you could pick up a buck tag if you want. Anyways good luck to you and to everyone else. Be sure and take lots of pictures.
Thanks DS, Vipe said that if your doing the cooking she is packing her suitcase for Colorado right now.

It ain't happening yet for me to go on a elk hunt(just like Africa). Vipe put in for Az. Thats about all I can do and enjoy hunting some in my state.

Boman you are right.I know that my elk hunting friends here would shove me in the right direction and would love to see the granduer of the Rockies.
When the Good Lord decides that I can go it will happen. It is great to have Vipe as my wife. She would give her approval but be a little jealous. ;) Same goes for me if she hunted.

So all ya wack your nuts this fall. :D, I hadn't heard they were doing that with the deer tags in the general areas...........I will get one if they have any left over there.

Nut, just keep it in mind when you do decide to come smetime......

I just got back from two weeks vacation and did two backpack trips and three long day hikes. The elk are spread from high to low.

The bugs are really bad this year and I think the elk are maybe trying to avoid them. I saw lots of elk in dry places, no where near grass or good forage, where you wouldn't expect to see them. :rolleyes:

I think any predictions at this point in time are just wishful thinking. As always the weather will be a major determinant in hunting success and nobody can predict the weather. Now we've had the low winter kill associated with a mild winter, and populations should be very high as a result of the low harvest of last year. So if we are lucky enough to get favorable weather then we just might have a big harvest this fall. Who knows, maybe a record breaker. But it all depends on the weather. Keep your fingers crossed. :D

...........all we know for certain at this time, KC, is that we have a few extra bulls that got a year older last year than usual.......and that is a good thing! ;)
Haven't heard fom you in while......hope the cabin is avoiding all the fires.........and good luck this year......
Word on the sreet here is that some general units will allow two over the counter elk tags per person this year because of the low harvest last year has left them way over their carrying objective. In those units you can take 1 bull and 1 cow.......or 2 cows......but not 2 bulls. Should make for some heavy camp poles!!!!!!!! :eek:
I walked up on a small 5x5 and two cows on Monday. They let me get within about 35 yards before bugging out. I also heard a bull bugle about 4 times early Monday morning! Couldn't believe it.

DS, I'm on my way up to your neck of the woods! Bringing up the first load of crap Friday. Should be moved in by the 31st.

...sounds like I'm getting a new huntin' buddy!......welcome to the neighborhood, Terry!.oh, and try walking up to those elk come october :eek: :D
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