Colorado Back Door

Anyone seeing anything with elk yet? My tag was a bit of a reach, so I won't know if the results are up until someone confirms it.
Heck yeah. Got my deer tags for this year! I plan to pick up an OTC tag for elk. First time to get to hunt elk or mule deer.

Thanks for sharing the info guys.'s a helpful article about navigating for Colorado draw results ala the back door method.

Interesting comment:
Keep in mind that some hunts may not be open at the time you check the backdoor method. Normally elk is posted after deer. Like I stated earlier, things can change and the state could do a re-draw so these results sometimes are not final. The other backdoor method of using the source code on the preference points page has been removed. It seems Colorado is cracking down on the backdoor methods because there could be errors that may upset some people. The backdoor method has been going on for a long time, but I totally see it going away in the coming years if Colorado gets some added development funds to hide this information.
I have a 488 for elk ,what ever that means? I do not think they had the draw yet. Soon though !!
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Same for my son, he drew a muzzy cow elk tag to go along with his muzzy doe tag!!!! :):):)
Anyone know what the numbers mean ? mine is 588 and a friends is 580 . I assume we both drew?
Looks like I drew one of my 4 choices. :) My guess is the 580 vs. 588 indicates resident, non-resident, or youth?
Looks like I drew my 1st season elk too. I'm dying to know which deer choice I got since what I planned overlaps the bear tag I got and used 6 points.
Thanks for hanging this thread Rooster. Son and I will be making the trip for first rifle elk.
2016 - 481 NON RES ELK APP
2016 - 581 NON RES ELK

My dad applied for a bull says he drew 581 NON RES ELK, does that mean he drew or got his second choice of either sex archery? Thanks!
Great, I now know I drew elk, but can't remember if I put a 2nd and 3rd choice. First choice my favorite cow tag, late season in NW Colorado.
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