Colorado Back Door

Winter has hit CO deer hard in some zones and winter kill can happen for several more weeks there. A lot of upper tier deer units will be impacted in a few states for the next several years as recovery can be slow even if get a few mild winters in a row. Fawns have died the past few months, pregnant does and mature bucks, too. Will put additional application pressure on the better units that are not hit hard.
Have they historically ran the deer drawing before the elk? After years of point banking, I've finally applied in CO :cool:
With the change this year to the licensing format does anyone have a way to check to see if they got drawn before the June 4 posting?
Maybe credit cards, did anyone notice if their cards got hit before the results were posted?
One way might be if you have points. They should go away if you get your 1st pick.

I'm going to keep an eye on mine and see if they go away before the 24th. My picks are a sure thing so it will be a good test.
One way might be if you have points. They should go away if you get your 1st pick.

I'm going to keep an eye on mine and see if they go away before the 24th. My picks are a sure thing so it will be a good test.
One way might be if you have points. They should go away if you get your 1st pick.

I'm going to keep an eye on mine and see if they go away before the 24th. My picks are a sure thing so it will be a good test.
For sheep and goat points didn't change until after cc were hit. Same thing happened last year.

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