CO Mountain Lion Ballot Initiative: Continuous Updates

Julie Marshall and Samantha Miller are completely delusional. 55% of voters absolutely rejected their ban on lion hunting. Are they going to dispute the outcome of the election? Maybe claim voter fraud next? How is 11% a “narrow” margin? Proposition 114 was a narrow margin, this is anything but. How do they know why “No” voters rejected their proposition? Maybe because it was poorly written and not well-thought out. Voters likely rejected it for a multitude of reasons. So the CSU Anti-hunting policy center says 88% of Coloradans oppose lion hunting? Then how in the heck did you lose the proposition by 11%? Especially with an $1 million advantage. Are you publicly admitting that you are that bad at campaigning? Why would CPW and the commission take action when the majority of Coloradans rejected it? That is the complete opposite of democracy. That is the same as CPW refusing to implement Prop 114. Unbelievable the conclusions they have drawn.

The gas lighting regarding taking lynx would be enough for me. But whatever the reason, I'm so happy it failed. Could have a profound effect on hunting in other states that might use it as precedent.
Here is an interesting article from Arizona back in 2018. The cat people couldn’t get enough signatures to get their agenda on a ballot! I think there were also some ballot measure restrictions that were also pitfalls in their failure!

If the cats people can’t get enough signatures from the public or there are other road blocks they won’t get these initiatives on ballots!

Here is an interesting article from Arizona back in 2018. The cat people couldn’t get enough signatures to get their agenda on a ballot! I think there were also some ballot measure restrictions that were also pitfalls in their failure!

If the cats people can’t get enough signatures from the public or there are other road blocks they won’t get these initiatives on ballots!

This is a big reason why we need business, organizations, and individuals to get involved earlier. Had the signature gathering in CO been combatted earlier, it likely would not have even been on the ballot.
I'm not sure about the legality but can business owners escort those requesting signatures off their private property?
The fight isn’t over. CPW Commission meeting 14-15 NOV.

The fight isn’t over. CPW Commission meeting 14-15 NOV.

If anyone wants to testify virtually in support of the East Slope lion plan, you need to sign up by noon today.

The link to sign up is below. It's agenda item 22.a, scheduled for 11 AM Friday, Nov. 15.

If business owners stand up and don’t allow them to collect signatures at major public sites like grocery stores, Walmart, etc they may not be able to collect enough signatures?
They were chillin at the NCAR trailhead.

Can pretty much button up all the sigs you need right there with enough time.

Boy I gave that chick a stink eye when she asked me.
Next go-round we need some more "Say No to 127 For Wildlife" signs to post or raise up and hold next to the signature guys!

Save your signs!
The interim is a fantastic time to run education campaigns on the conservation successes that managed hunting have provided for all wildlife and wildlife habitat.

It was hunters who stopped the extermination of wildlife in America. It is hunters who are responsible for healthy lion and bobcat populations and it is through legal, ethical harvest methods such as hounds that keep lions on the landscape today.
As thrilled and grateful as I am about this significant win against ballot box biology, it seems like a small victory compared to the threats against public land that will likely arise from this election.
Seems the commission responded appropriately, unanimous vote to approve the eastern slope mountain lion management plan despite all the CATS folks filling public comment with the same lies and misinformation from their campaign. Science based management from CPW and reason wins again.
Seems the commission responded appropriately, unanimous vote to approve the eastern slope mountain lion management plan despite all the CATS folks filling public comment with the same lies and misinformation from their campaign. Science based management from CPW and reason wins again.
This was an expected outcome. The lion plan was not the place to pick a fight, because the decision was only to approve a new plan or keep managing under the old plan. Based on public comments, there is no doubt that they intend to bring an issue paper to the Commission to ban hunting with hounds. That regulatory change is within the decision space of the Commission, and they would only need 6 yes votes. I have little confidence that they can’t get 6 votes with the current makeup of the Commission. Three current commissioners wrote op-eds supporting Prop 127.
The concern I've had all along if wildlife management is handed over to the CPW is who is responsible for making decisions. Wyo is a prime example where their task force was a total joke and failure. When science-based decisions that impact hunters and wildlife are made by only a handful of individuals that represent different interest groups things can turn ugly in a hurry!
This was an expected outcome. The lion plan was not the place to pick a fight, because the decision was only to approve a new plan or keep managing under the old plan. Based on public comments, there is no doubt that they intend to bring an issue paper to the Commission to ban hunting with hounds. That regulatory change is within the decision space of the Commission, and they would only need 6 yes votes. I have little confidence that they can’t get 6 votes with the current makeup of the Commission. Three current commissioners wrote op-eds supporting Prop 127.
Great point. Would they submit a citizen petition similar to the one submitted regarding wolves? Seems like I remember them approving lion hunting regulations for this season at the JAN commission meeting. What can we do in the meantime? With the lion hunting ban losing by 10 points and hound hunting as the main method of take, it seems pretty extreme for the CATS folks to claim some overwhelming mandate to end hound hunting. But they have shown themselves, along with many commissioners, to be nothing if not extreme. Reinforces that these folks will never stop coming after our ability hunt.
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Wow. So in addition to violating CPW Commission policy, failing to meet commission statutory requirements, and lying in testimony to the Senate Natural Resources committee……Beaulieu and Murphy also allegedly violated the law.

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