CO Mountain Lion Ballot Initiative: Continuous Updates

Jun 14, 2024
To get everyone up to speed, the Colorado Secretary of State has certified that there are enough signature to move I-91 to the ballot this fall.

That means that the popular vote will decide if mountain lion and bobcat hunting will continue in Colorado. Just a couple of years ago a similar ballot initiative to require Colorado Parks and Wildlife to import and manage wolves passed by the narrow margin of 33,000 votes of 2 million.

Every vote will be needed.

What you can do right now:

DONATE to Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management. Simply put, this will not be won without the financial support of sportsmen.

WATCH Charles, President of HOWL for Wildlife, give an update.

SUBSCRIBE to this thread. We will be posting updates, actions, and anything else YOU need to help defeat I-91 in this thread.

SHARE this post, CRWM and HOWL links, and good information with anyone whose ear you can bend. Much has been said that is simply and factually incorrect (CPW doesn't have a position on this, populations are declining, etc.)

JOIN the pack. Colorado isn't the only state experiencing these types of attacks. It is an ongoing battle everywhere to protect hunting's heritage, access, and opportunities.

This is the rally cry for all sportsmen, regardless of where you live or if you hunt mountain lions or bobcats, to stop this anti-hunting effort.
To get everyone up to speed, the Colorado Secretary of State has certified that there are enough signature to move I-91 to the ballot this fall.

That means that the popular vote will decide if mountain lion and bobcat hunting will continue in Colorado. Just a couple of years ago a similar ballot initiative to require Colorado Parks and Wildlife to import and manage wolves passed by the narrow margin of 33,000 votes of 2 million.

Every vote will be needed.

What you can do right now:

DONATE to Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management. Simply put, this will not be won without the financial support of sportsmen.

WATCH Charles, President of HOWL for Wildlife, give an update.

SUBSCRIBE to this thread. We will be posting updates, actions, and anything else YOU need to help defeat I-91 in this thread.

SHARE this post, CRWM and HOWL links, and good information with anyone whose ear you can bend. Much has been said that is simply and factually incorrect (CPW doesn't have a position on this, populations are declining, etc.)

JOIN the pack. Colorado isn't the only state experiencing these types of attacks. It is an ongoing battle everywhere to protect hunting's heritage, access, and opportunities.

This is the rally cry for all sportsmen, regardless of where you live or if you hunt mountain lions or bobcats, to stop this anti-hunting effort.
DO THIS ^^^^^^
I just made a donation and have a email starting to circulate in NW Colorado. Get the word out. Even if you unable to make a donation IT IS CRITICIAL that you get your family, buddies, neighbors out to SHOW UP to the polls and vote this down.
This is worth repeating…… ensure you are encouraging every hunter you know to register to vote and cast a vote against this at the ballot box. Also talk to every friend/family/colleague/neighbor and explain the insidious nature and long term negative effects of this initiative.
I joined HOWL a bit ago. Today I also sent a message on griz in Canada. The system is slick to get the word out. Nice work HOWL. I just donated $20 to CRWM. This crap is already happening in Washington, and will be happening in your state soon.
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On the ground in CO it's gonna come down to money, boot leather and voting.
Out of state... the hundreds of 1000s of non-resident hunters who have dreams (or memories) of hunting CO it all comes down to $$$ and how much we're willing to commit to a WIN against the anti-hunting industry. We buy licenses and point for the MAYBE of hunting somewhere... let's put the same resources in play to protect legal, regulated, sustainable hunting in CO. Money needs to go to ... send it.
With the threats to hunting growing across the west, how do we as hunters create a comprehensive plan to be proactive about the crusade against hunting? I fully support sending money to CRWM and others who are fighting tooth and nail on the ground. I can't help but think, however, that hunters are going to get tired of donating to case by case causes (being reactive) when the anti movement is so well funded. Is there a bigger picture we should be looking at here? How do we get the majority of supportive non hunters to help out?
I've been seeing some good clips (ads) on YouTube that advocate for responsible wildlife management, which is great! I am curious how you can expand the interaction to non-hunting voters? Getting CPW to provide a perspective should help. It still comes down to a perspective on hunters by the non-hunting public and every interaction is a means of helping shape the public's perception. I really hope this initiative is stopped.
Since I’m not up to speed here - this is a coalition? So CRWM is also benefit g from wildlife deserves better donations?
I was confused...

If you go to CRWM and click "donate", it now takes you directly to the "Colorado's Wildlife Deserve Better" payment page. So they appear to be one and the same. This is great, because we need a united front on this and CRWM has been the lead. Not sure why the redirect, but it appears legit.

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