CO leftover list is available

I wish Colorado treated their leftover list the same way Idaho treats the returned tag sale.
Put everyone in a waiting room and assign a random number to everyone. It may just be me being bitter but I always feel the tags I’m after are gone instantly and I feel I can navigate the site very well. I chased a tag last year that had around 30 on the list and when I checked out they were gone. 30 tags in under 20 seconds?
I wish Colorado treated their leftover list the same way Idaho treats the returned tag sale.
Put everyone in a waiting room and assign a random number to everyone. It may just be me being bitter but I always feel the tags I’m after are gone instantly and I feel I can navigate the site very well. I chased a tag last year that had around 30 on the list and when I checked out they were gone. 30 tags in under 20 seconds?
Gotta be fast like @Dsnow9 aka the wako kid

Would a neck roast off a forky be adequate compensation to @Dsnow9 or anyone else who can somehow get me the tag off that list? 😁
I'd try to help you out but my competitive advantage was being online... allllllllllll day and when they changed the process I was SOL.

Fun fact @Dsnow9 is actually a concert pianist, protégé to Brad Mehldau hence the unparalleled dexterity.
I'd try to help you out but my competitive advantage was being online... allllllllllll day and when they changed the process I was SOL.

Fun fact @Dsnow9 is actually a concert pianist, protégé to yo-yo ma hence the unparalleled dexterity.
I’m just a monkey, I am not musically inclined what so ever.
CPW: Hey, rather then burning all these returned tags let’s start a random reissue list where it’s first come first serve!

Hunters: This system isn’t fair! Some guys are more dedicated then me and get all the good tags by refreshing all day!

CPW: Ok, let’s give more youth opportunities by giving them a preference in a second draw!

Hunters: The tag I applied for and didn’t get is now on the second draw and some dirtbag 13 year old is gonna get it and go hunting with their dad or grandpa!!

CPW: Ok, let’s do the tag release at the same time every week so all the complainers who can’t watch the list have a chance!

Hunters: Now everybody knows when tags are gonna drop and nobody has a chance! And the tag I applied for is on that list and it should be mine!

CPW 2023: New for 2023, due to overwhelming bitching by just about everyone, the reissue process will no longer apply. All returned tags will be burnt in a bonfire while 94.1KIX broadcast live and announces the hunt codes as the tags are fed into the bonfire while the KIX trailer gives away hotdogs and sodas and hunters who couldn’t attend the event live can at least listen to have something to complain about.
CPW 2023: New for 2023, due to overwhelming bitching by just about everyone, the reissue process will no longer apply. All returned tags will be burnt in a bonfire while 94.1KIX broadcast live and announces the hunt codes as the tags are fed into the bonfire while the KIX trailer gives away hotdogs and sodas and hunters who couldn’t attend the event live can at least listen to have something to complain about.

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