CO GMU 18/181 muzzy deer?


Aug 5, 2015
Hey All,

I posted the same message in the elk forum, 'cuz I'm considering that as well.

Anyone out there have any experience hunting CO unit 18/181 muzzleloader?
I'm starting muzzleloader hunting this year, so I have zero experience, but
I have been hunting unit 181 the last couple of years during rifle season.
Anybody been there during muzzy season?
Would love to hear some stories.


Two years ago I was walking through some thick stuff (with an elk tag), and spooked a group of muley bucks about 20 yards away. So thick that I didn't see them until they were stampeding away.
Just about jumped out of my shorts. Sounded like a herd of buffalo!
This is a very under rated area i have been hunting there since i was 12 in GMU 18 The best bet in my opinion is to scout for mule deer there are some tanks in there. I hve been part of alot of big deer hitting the dirt mainly in 3rd or 4th rifle. I have been going down there hunting with family since i moved to wyoming 3 years ago. My brother and family members have been hunting muzzle loader and archery there with some success. Mule deer are tuff this time of year but if you are willing to hunt hard there is no doubt you can get on some great bucks. Hunting this early i would be up on the divide and get ready for some nasty country. Elk hunting can be great take the time to glass find some elk and be patient. There are lots of elk in the troubleson heard.
Thanks for the info.

I was in 181 last year during 1st rifle and saw one big 4x4 buck right across the meadow from my camp. Didn't have my phone with me, of course, so I didn't get a picture. But boy I'll be looking for him this year if I can get a tag up there!

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