Caribou Gear

utah gen deer muzzy mt abajo/san juan unit


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2010
mulino oregon
drew this general muzz deer tag on 3 gen points this year,,have done a fair amount of searches but havnt really found much for deer info,,i know its not the greatest tag,but if anybody has any tips on that unit id be greatful,,im just figuring of starting up high in late sept muzzy season.hope to have a good time and see some new country,,but of course still on the look for a decent buck.
has very many folks hunted even close to the s e corner of utah? not looking for a honeyhole,,just tryin to get a idea as its well over 1100 miles so i cant scout except for on x e scouting and whatever else info i can find.thought id give n e utah a break with the bad winter of 2023 they had,,numbers were supposed to be much better in the southern units.
I am not very familiar with the unit, but I have heard that it can hold good deer. The deer herd in southern Utah fared very well during the 2023 winter when compared to the northern side of the state. On this tag with no boots on the ground before season, I would shoot any buck larger than 150". But there are much much larger deer but don't expect to find them. You should be in for a good hunt.
I’m another who unfortunately can’t help with info, but it does look like an interesting hunt and may apply in the next few years. Good luck!
havnt heard of the montana grade buck before? is like the oregon grade buck scale? drop it if its a fork?thats oregon grade.
does anybody know how the weather has been down there this summer? i know its been hot,,has the monsonal rains started? any blown out roads from any flash flooding? doesnt appear to be to bad for forest fires from what i see down there on on x,,,oregon has burnt heavy this year on the east side up here in oregon
sounds like there was some flash flooding recently last last around moab,,if anybody has been around mt abajo or {the causeway} im hoping the roads are stiil ok in about a month for the muzzy deer season.

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