CO CPW Draw Process Working Group

Interesting data to see in a sheet. I'm curious how does New Mexico give that many nonresident tags? I thought they guarantee 84% to residents.
If it's 34% I've been messing up their draw by not drawing for many many years.
Transferrable landowner tags.
Thats what i figured, but the double asterisk says they aren't counting those tags. Maybe they just counted for NM
Looking at those numbers, I doubt the veracity. Only 5400 elk tags sold to nonresidents in Wyoming? I don't think so.
A5 and R5 appear to be the most equitable for residents when compared to other western states for nonresident elk tag allocation. This article says Colorado sells more nonresident elk tags/licenses than all other western states combined, even though those states have 500,000 more elk than Colorado, wow.
This chart is crap. Comes from a biased facebook group and is factually incorrect.
Looking at those numbers, I doubt the veracity. Only 5400 elk tags sold to nonresidents in Wyoming? I don't think so.
Yeah there is a red flag there for sure wyoming had to issue 7250 full price tags and that doesn't include the type 6 tags so it's easily north of 10k nr tags issued in wyoming. Someone is trying to fudge numbers for some reason
Yeah there is a red flag there for sure wyoming had to issue 7250 full price tags and that doesn't include the type 6 tags so it's easily north of 10k nr tags issued in wyoming. Someone is trying to fudge numbers for some reason
The link leads to an article that refers to "Recent research shared by the Colorado Resident Hunter Association Facebook group" without any link or actual source.

I'm sorry I let that derail this thread.

Im disappointed in myself 😔

Interesting discussions from the working group a few days ago. I like the direction its heading.

Note these are not final, just the 2 most popular proposals for elk, deer, pronghorn, and bear and the split % is TBD:
Split draw between preference points and bonus points
Split draw between preference points and random

Oak, great to hear you providing valuable insight into all the discussions. Overall, the group seems like a knowledgeable and well intentioned group looking for a better solution. Too bad the commission doesn't have the same functionality.
Note these are not final, just the 2 most popular proposals for elk, deer, pronghorn, and bear and the split % is TBD:
Split draw between preference points and bonus points
Split draw between preference points and random
I haven't listened to the recording yet in length. I'm not neccesarily opposed to either of these scenarios, but if the objective is "to simplify" I'm not sure how that simplifies.

It would keep people applying with points to unit 2, 10, and 201 with false hope, which keeps them away from my low point units so selfishly it works for me.

Interesting discussions from the working group a few days ago. I like the direction its heading.

Note these are not final, just the 2 most popular proposals for elk, deer, pronghorn, and bear and the split % is TBD:
Split draw between preference points and bonus points
Split draw between preference points and random

Oak, great to hear you providing valuable insight into all the discussions. Overall, the group seems like a knowledgeable and well intentioned group looking for a better solution. Too bad the commission doesn't have the same functionality.
So similar to the hybrid draw model, where X tags are set for point holders and then X tags are random… I don’t hate it… if they did this across the board might help, what they really need to do is take all preference points if you get an A list tag, no matter if it is drawn or acquired as a left over…
what they really need to do is take all preference points if you get an A list tag, no matter if it is drawn or acquired as a left over…

This. I have been saying it for years. The CPW can do whatever they want to do, but until they do the above^^, point creep will continue.
It would keep people applying with points to unit 2, 10, and 201 with false hope, which keeps them away from my low point units so selfishly it works for me.

If this is adopted, the amount of people applying to the northwest corner will skyrocket. Thats for sure.
I think the memo lines up well with the discussion. The recommendations might stop the issue from growing, but won’t be an immediate fix.
Be interested to read what happens in the third session. Sounds like a lot of change coming.
Absolutely amazed that they don’t think hunters can understand what an A list tag is and only taking points for those tags, regardless of when drawn (primary, secondary, leftover).

Instead they want to remove points for any tag in the primary, including B and C tags.

Just change the terms if that’s the issue. But it’s stupid if a b cow tag on third choice takes points now.
I just read the memo, can't figure out why we would switch backwards from 80/20 to 75/25. That would be a NO testimony at the PWC for me.

Must be overwhelmed now with outfitters and tag pimps.

Now down a sportsmen rep without skiba. Can you guys filibuster until a real sportsmen is nominated?

I must be a loner thinking preference points aren't broke. 700,000 points put in play, that'll fix it.
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