Close call today guys, and a lesson for all


Active member
Sep 26, 2006
Kalispell/Helena, MT
Headed out to pull my cameras out of the basin I scouted a few weeks ago, trying to play by the rules and all, Found lots of wet brush and tracks, but just a few pics on the cams. I always carry first aid stuff, including a epi pen, and benadryl. Usually don't get much for bees by the time Sept rolls around, but during summer scouting, I like to be prepared. I get in and out without incident, buzz home to catch up with wife and kids at the place on Echo lake.
Doing some trimming on an oak tree hanging in the road and getting into peoples cars, I end up getting stung right on top of my head. Now I had a reaction to a bee sting when I was very young, been stung dozens of times in the past thirty years without incident. Well wouldn't you know, this is the time. And i left my pack with epi pen and bendryl at home. Very quickly, my heart rate skyrockets, face/ears hot, feeling faint, chest pressure, hands and forearms become useless stumps. There is a GIANT first aid kit at the lake house, and it doesn't have benadryl? Seriously?
I tell my wife, call 911(God, just uttering those words sucks). We hit the car and tell dispatch we are on the way, just then my Aunt finds some Benadryl in the darkest recess of this home built in 1910?, stuff looks ancient but I slam two pills. we will meet the ambulance. My wife, we will call her Mario, is doing great, being calm, driving and talking to dispatch.

I feel like someone is sitting on my chest, and my vision is now two pinholes surrounded by white, I am going out and I know it, calling on all goodness within my being not to go out. Just as things look basically like they are going to end, that benadryl takes effect, I can feel it bringing me back from the brink. we meet the paramedics, they put me on oxygen and take some vitals, and I start feeling 10000x better. Wow. What can you say. I refuse service from them and head into my doc. Ended up with a steroid shot in each butt cheek, which both now feel like I have been punched by Brock Lesnar in each cheek.

But seriously, everyone should have some Benadryl in your packs, stuff is incredible, it really saved me today. Even if you are the bee sting champion, you just never know when that ONE TIME, might come. Just wanted to really impress that upon you guys, cause it was a CLOSE CALL today.

Here are a fews pics


Moose is back at the wallow, still a dinker

And this is my first marten catch, looks like it scored a meal, bird maybe?
There is sooooo much old rut sign in there, I am not giving up on this basin. Might not be bulls there now, but maybe after they get some cows rounded up, I really feel like they will be around, maybe 3rd week or so.
Scary stuff. Glad it worked out for you. I have mad allergies, but fortunately have never had that kind of reaction to a bee sting.
Glad to hear you are alright. My brother has the same type of reaction to bees and wasps thats scary stuff and good advice about the benedryl. Take care.
Thanks for the heads up. I've never had that type of reaction to a sting, but a couple benadryl don't weigh all that much! I'll keep some in my pack now.
Thanks for the reminder I had a reaction when I was young and always try to keep some handy also.
That is no way to go. You might consider going to an alergist and get bee shots. They inject you with bee venom in extreamly small amounts until your body learns to not produce a histamine to the bee sting. Over time you develope resistance. Just call and alergist and they can explain how it all works. It might save your life.
That is no way to go. You might consider going to an alergist and get bee shots. They inject you with bee venom in extreamly small amounts until your body learns to not produce a histamine to the bee sting. Over time you develope resistance. Just call and alergist and they can explain how it all works. It might save your life.

+1 It may save your life if your allergic reaction are that dramatic.

Insurance covers it.
Allergy shots do work. I got two shots a week for 8 years growing up. It's helped a bunch, but certain things still set me to sneezing like there's now tomorrow.
wow.. that sucks. I should carry some, as I am "moderatley" allergec to the things. but never had anything like that happen
Glad you found that dose in time. Yikes. Thanks for the heads up on the Benadryl. I showed the box to the boys and explained how / when to use it. We live at least 90 minutes from the nearest paved road, let alone medical help. I will be putting some upgraded first aid supplies in each truck asap. To easy to have stuff like that on hand. A good wake up for the rest of us. twodot
I will definitely be looking into the allergist and the shots. Thought you couldn't go that route after having a severe rxn. After 30 years and dozens of stings, I thought I was in the clear. I wonder if the location(right on my scalp) had anything to do with it. You know how highly vascularized your head is, if you have ever opened up a cut on top of your head. The toxins get right to your core in a hurry.
WOW! Thanks for the advisory draht.
Like you, I have been stung several times to the point, I am not really concerned about being stung - though hearing your incident...

Going to look into that shot as well, thanks Sweetnectar.

Good pics, as usual Draht. Echo lake has some FANTASTIC bass fishing... esp. the attached little spill thru from Abbott lake... getting into Abbott and wow! When the bass are hitting, it is... ON!
Well, my pack's gonna get a few grams heavier and well worth it. It's always the things you don't even think of that'll get you.

Glad you're no worse for the wear, draht.
WOW! Thanks for the advisory draht.
Like you, I have been stung several times to the point, I am not really concerned about being stung - though hearing your incident...

Going to look into that shot as well, thanks Sweetnectar.

Good pics, as usual Draht. Echo lake has some FANTASTIC bass fishing... esp. the attached little spill thru from Abbott lake... getting into Abbott and wow! When the bass are hitting, it is... ON!

Love it at that lake. Very fortunate to have a place to go to out there. The kids just can't get enough swimming in. Heck any lake place in this valley is sweeeeet.
Man, that was close. Two weeks ago Travo (Son) was putting something up in the Pumphouse at the farm when he said the most Profane word...............Twice! He got popped by a Red Wasp on the Shoulder and on the Scalp towards the front. We gave him some benadryl, but he still swelled up until he looked like one of those Avatar Characters. John
Well, my pack's gonna get a few grams heavier and well worth it. It's always the things you don't even think of that'll get you.

Glad you're no worse for the wear, draht.

Yep, I vaguely remember my wife talking about me hiking all over in grizzly infested places in the morning and then it turns out a little tiny bee is what kicks my butt while I am chilling at the lake. The things you don't think of.

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