Caribou Gear

Close call today guys, and a lesson for all

Dang Draht...I was just checking my list twice last night...and getting my stuff rounded up. I will be adding benadryl to my list. Same thing for me, I had some good swelling as a kid, but have been stung 15-20 times since and had No reaction....

Nice pics!
Draht, glad to hear it turned out OK. Ask your Doc for one of the double epi pens and carry one in your pack and one in your truck, that way your never without it. They do expire at a year I believe, so keep them fresh. Also keep that benadryl real close and try and stop it with that if you can.
Draht, glad to hear it turned out OK. Ask your Doc for one of the double epi pens and carry one in your pack and one in your truck, that way your never without it. They do expire at a year I believe, so keep them fresh. Also keep that benadryl real close and try and stop it with that if you can.

Yep, that is what I've got. Says not to leave in a car, exceeding 80 degrees or something, this is very annoying. Telling my wife I am going to need some kind of man purse to keep all this crap with me.:eek: Maybe its an excuse to buy a new backpack/daypack. You know, something small and reasonable like a MR Bighorn, don't figure I need the NICE frame for an epipen!!!LOL:D
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Yep, that is what I've got. Says not to leave in a car, exceeding 80 degrees or something, this is very annoying. Telling my wife I am going to need some kind of man purse to keep all this crap with me.:eek: Maybe its an excuse to buy a new backpack/daypack. You know, something small and reasonable like a MR Bighorn, don't figure I need the NICE frame for an epipen!!!LOL:D

R U kidding? Of course you need the NICE frame from MR for the epi-pen, it will help keep the pack a bit more expanded and your epi-pen below the recommended 80 degrees.....:)
Glad it turned out OK Draat...hanks for being an example for us all...
I had a epi pen holder made up for a good friend from red ox in Billings. It clips on a belt or pack or what ever and also has a little pocket for the benadryl. I just left him the empty plastic epi pen case and they build one in no time. I think the guy was even making some additional. You might give them a call.

Also, on a side note. Once you hit yourself in the leg (if it ever comes to it) with your epi then you pretty much won't be able to function so trying to get benadryl down after doesn't work so well. The effect of an epi pen should last anywhere from 15 minutes to 45 minutes. So if you ever get stung again get the benadryl down asap and then keep guard with the epi. (please note that some people's throats swell too fast to swallow anything and in that case it is epi first)
Glad your alright and keep hunting.
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