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Clear pictures of wildlife?

did you download the phone skope app? makes a big difference for me...
Yeah I even use this app without the attachment while just holding the phone up to the optic, the app helps
I'll second that the best photos I get are Ollin digiscoping and in a video setting where I don't touch the phone or the tripod/spotter. Just screenshot the video after the fact. With Vortex Razor gen1.

This was over a mile, video allowed me to see multiple angles clearly as he turned his head around too. This is one of those screenshots.

I play with the phone's zoom level alot to get best photo, the edges are usually dark and fuzzy.
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Kowa88. Samsung phone. I use voice commands to take the pictures. Take a bunch of pics, tweaking focus each time. Lock the focus on the camera and use the scope's focus knob. Good tripod. Remove anything on scope that can move like straps and covers that may be dangling. Mornings are best before you get heat distortion. Winter even better. And take a lot of pics. Usually one out of ten are in good focus for me. Did I say take a lot of pics?

Thanks for the reply’s.
Kowa88. Samsung phone. I use voice commands to take the pictures. Take a bunch of pics, tweaking focus each time. Lock the focus on the camera and use the scope's focus knob. Good tripod. Remove anything on scope that can move like straps and covers that may be dangling. Mornings are best before you get heat distortion. Winter even better. And take a lot of pics. Usually one out of ten are in good focus for me. Did I say take a lot of pics?

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best tripod?
There's a lot of choices. I'm using a sirui st124 with a va5 fluid head. It gets the job done. It will shake a bit when the winds are high, but I can stabilize it by hanging some weight.
I've never actually been very good at this.

Swaro ATX-95, iPhone6s, PhoneScope bluetooth remote. Manfrotto 485B tripod
NexYZ Digiscope adapter. I like the NexYZ for working out of the truck because it has vernier adjustments to perfectly place the phone lens in the sweet spot. It's too bulky for backpacking.

Resist the urge to zoom your phone. Let the optics do the work.
Ditto that video always come out better for me.

Mirage can make it tough no matter what gear you use.

The elk are about 500 yards, the turkey danger close.
I should also note I have a 1.6x magnifier. It comes in so handy for wildlife photography. Focus becomes more finicky as well as heart distortion. But it has been a game changer. I picked it up used on rokslide. They will pop up once in a while.
I bought a used "bridge camera" with 50x optical zoom.
I set it on a tripod and can get shots like these.
Grizzly from about 300 yards:
griz (1).jpg

Moose at ~100 yards:

Mallard at ~30 yards:


Since the camera cost me less than $200 used, I take it everywhere and don't worry about snow/rain/mud because is was relatively inexpensive.
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