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CJ soapbox [illegals]


I want you to prove they are getting big game tags!


"Amen", Yeah you better start prayin'!
i hope your wife is more appealing to the eye than your comebacks cjcj, cuz they stink!

Cjcj you lost all credability in this thread, and dont think i didn't lose anything either, I lost a star!

Anyone see that illegal driving that 40,000 dollar truck? Yeah neither do I. But CJCJ sees them ALL the time(usually with a 4 wheeler in the back too, pulling a 30 foot camper, its the american dream!)
There is a very well written article in today`s [AZ republic 11/23/03 sect.v ][viewpoints] It is a letter from Sen J.D. Hayworth to president G.W.Bush, its also signed by 62 other House members. it tells him it is time to "Stop the Invasion"and put "The Bandito"[my words] Vincente Fox in his place it goes on to say the Illegals cost us 20 billion a year! and that they take jobs away from americans, also the illegals "breed" crime, not to mention they "breed" like "Cockroaches" [my words] great read written by a man that i have personnally talked to about this issue, and he is sick and tired of these 'bloodsucking vermin" [my words again] destroying our great country from within. Great article!
Time to "update" the "truth" about some illegals driving 40 thousand dollar trucks. Based on the "statistical facts" that Arizona leads the "NATION" in auto theft,[despite less population than California/Texas/New York/ etc. etc. with 85% of the cars/trucks heading for Mexico, there is a very good chance that that illegal driving the 40 thousand dollar truck, didn`t buy it, HE STOLE IT!

Don't get your panties all in a knot! They are not going to steal your Ford Pinto! Don't worry! According to a recent poll on the hunttalk chatroom, out of 10 people only 8 people thought you were crazy!

But back on the matter, what makes you think that all those vechicle thefts are by illegals? HUH HUH?

Did they make a study that 85 percent of vechicle thefts are by illegal immigrants?

No. Sorry. Try again!
I amd going to back Ernesto on this one, my information to back it on, cjcj is a racist and he is just trying to downplay hispanics because they actually get jobs making less than him and one gopt drawn for a tag that he wanted
cjcj is not a racist. He's smart enough to recognize that there is a big problem with illegal immigrants in this country. Why don't you pro-illegal immigrant people read the article cjcj provided a link to, and tell us what it is in that article that you don't agree with?
Here is the article from the Arizona Republic:
Bush must act to stem 'invasion' from south

J.D. Hayworth
Nov. 23, 2003 12:00 AM

Last week I sent President Bush a letter, co-signed by 62 House colleagues, asking that during his upcoming discussions with Mexican President Vicente Fox, he "make clear this nation's determination to establish and enforce an immigration policy that celebrates our immigrant heritage, secures our borders, draws a bright line between legal and illegal aliens, and rejects any and all forms of amnesty."

Judging by his remarks during a recent visit to Arizona, it is more important than ever that President Fox hear precisely that message.

Fox sugarcoats his countrymen's illegal invasion of Arizona and the United States by mislabeling it a "migration." He openly encourages more Mexicans to head north, not only breaking our immigration laws, but also trampling the spirit of citizenship and assimilation those laws were designed to foster. He would have us reward lawbreakers with amnesty and dual citizenship. Yet he ignores the culture of violent crime surrounding illegal immigration that puts innocent people in the crossfire, as happened during the I-10 shootout.

Why this blatant disregard for our laws and the human costs of illegal immigration? Mexico's economy is hooked on the $14.5 billion in annual remittances from Mexicans working in the United States, more than Mexico earns from tourism or foreign investment - and perhaps economically more important than Mexico's state-owned oil industry.

At the same time, a perfect storm has developed in the United States to increase the tide of illegal workers. American business is hooked on cheap labor - a perfect equilibrium of illegal supply and illegal demand. And U.S. labor unions see illegal aliens as the best hope to grow their shrinking membership.

Overlooked in this greed-driven orgy is the devastating toll that hordes of illegal workers take on our economy and our society.

An "off-the-books" pool of exploited, illegal laborers is creating a lower rung on the economic ladder. Some argue that illegals perform jobs Americans won't do. It is more accurate to say illegals perform jobs for substandard pay that Americans would do for fair wages and worker protections.

Then there is the $20 billion estimated annual cost associated with health care, education, social services and the crime that illegal immigration breeds. Runaway illegal immigration leads to higher taxes, higher spending, higher crime, lower wages and increased unemployment for American workers.

It is an equal drain on our culture. Americans are rightly concerned about the balkanizing effect of an estimated 700,000 illegal immigrants crossing our borders annually with little or no aspiration for citizenship, for learning our language, or for understanding our culture. Indeed, many pro-immigrant groups oppose the very notion of citizenship. Meanwhile, bureaucrats at the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services are attempting to alter the Oath of Allegiance administered to new citizens by weakening the charge to uphold and be faithful to the Constitution and our laws.

On a practical level in a post-9/11 world, border security is homeland security and it must be taken seriously. True, most illegal aliens come to work; it is also true that terrorists and drug smugglers can cross an unsecured border for more sinister purposes:

• An organized effort to smuggle Middle Easterners in from Mexico has been uncovered.

• The raid on 61 Wal-Mart stores coast-to-coast resulted in the arrests of 245 illegal aliens from 28 countries.

• Illegals have been found working at some of our most sensitive military installations.

• And 80 percent of the cocaine and half the heroin consumed in the United States come through Mexico.

Finally, we know if immigration laws are violated without consequence, the rule of law in this nation will be undermined. Illegal means illegal, a fundamental distinction that must not be lost because politically correct elites see illegal aliens as "undocumented workers."

Immigration reform is being stymied by an unholy alliance of big business, big labor, Democrats and Republicans cynically looking to woo Latino voters, and left-wing extremists out to alter the essential character of America.

Caught in the middle is a strong majority of Americans fed up with illegal immigration and demanding action. President Bush's upcoming meeting with President Fox is a good place to begin the debate, which is why we wrote our letter.
Thank you Washington Hunter for "educating" the "uninformed". Minnie Moose What race is an "illegal"? you think they are "all' mexicans? Think again [true most are] but not all. If you knew anything about this subject you would know better, you wouldn`t believe how many Mexicans are friends of mine, and they "hate" what they call the "new" breed of selfish disrespectfull Illegals, they feel that they shed a bad light on all Americans of mexican decent, go back and see how i "defend" mexicans, and warn people that this is about ILLEGALS pure and simple. By the way just off the wire 3 more illegals shot execution style today at their favorite dumping grounds 99th and baseline rd. Phx. Human smugglers are to blame, guess where they are from ? you have made an ass out of yourself [vietnam baby killers] before don`t do it again by calling me a racist. How do you know i`m not of mexican decent myself? If all you have is the race card ,then you have nothing/nada/zero. The truth is the truth and if it singles out one race, its not racism it`s just the truth.
WH cjc is too a racist, when he talks about illegals he says mexican, he doesn't give a shit about the other illegals, just the mexicans,and that makes him a racist

and besides that, i am no pro-illegal immigration, i am just backing ernesto that illegals don't come here to hunt they come here to work, shit i know of numerous places in st. george where construction companies use illegals because us citisens don't want to work for the price without benefits

And where do you get off calling ernesto "anti-american" and "anti-hunter" just because he says that iollegals don't come here to hunt, you are almost as crazy as cjcj, GET A LIFE

I agree, that there should be a more strict watch over the border to keep people from coming into the united states, but remember George W. is a heaping rancid pile of shit, and he wont do anything about it, we will need a new president first

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-23-2003 18:20: Message edited by: Mini Moose ]</font>
I don't care what their reason is for coming here, it doesn't matter. They are illegal and they are leaches, they take advantage of our health care, our schools, and our JOBS! Mini moose I take it you didn't read that article from the Arizona Republic newspaper. One thing I can agree with you on is your assessment of our president. But really you don't need to stick up for your pal Ernesto, he is a big enough smart ass, he can take care of himself. are still wrong about cjcj being a racist, if that's what you think then you obviously have not read what he has written. Either that or you have an extremely low level of comprehension. Being against people illegally coming into this country does not make a person a racist. Get real.
Why is this even a debate? The word ILLIGAL alien sums it up. Time to uphold the law and kick out all illigals. When they become a resident legally and pay taxes, fly our flag, speak our language, say the pledge of alligence, them they can stay, hunt, whatever. I say if your down at the border hunting and see one of those watering stations the bleeding heart church groups put out for the border jumpers do a little target practice.
Our economy and health care costs are out of hand because of this kind of crap.
Mini Moose, are you that nieve? why do you think no one wants to dig those ditches and pick tomatoes that the illigals do? because the illigals will, so the big buisiness owners wont pay out employees better wages to begin with. Hell a 16 year old kid should be happy as a clam to make 6 bucks an hour with all that vast skill and talent he has.
Go spend a month working down at Nogales AZ and lets see how you feel about this subject then.
#*^@#* it, i don't give a shit about illegals, but i will say one thing, Washington hunter is no better than any of them, calling ernesto "anti hunter" anbd "anti american" for voiceing his opinion,

And cali has illegals to, and alot of them, and there crime rate isn't as high as arizonaz, you think all of that is from illegals, you guys need to get a grp on things and handle them better,

Also ernesto is an 18 year old college student and has brought up more good points thatn all of you middle and old aged men have combined, whats that tell you, have at them ernesto, i see you don't need, or want my help anyways
Ernesto has a way of saying a whole lot of nothing. He may not have deserved the anti-hunter remark, but there's no doubt in my mind he's anti-American, if he truly believes these ridiculous arguments he comes up with to support illegal aliens in this country. Honestly I hope he doesn't really believe the crazy things he is saying, and that he is only doing it because he enjoys arguing.

Oh...Mini Moose, you say Ernesto made some good points? Can you name just one?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-24-2003 11:54: Message edited by: Washington Hunter ]</font>
OMG some funny chit going on here...

You need to learn how to defend a subject, when I need reinforcements i'll be sure NOT to look you up

I know you are not of mexican descent because your spanish is horrible and you wouldn't say "mexican descent" in the first place lol.

BigMex was TRYING to be a "mexican" but we all threw the BS flag on that user right away lol.
Damn good post Shmalts, that sum`s things up pretty well, Still waiting for all of those good points that young ernesto has made, [18] wow i was thinking more like 15 ,then minnie you say he makes more /better points then us "middle" aged men! have you EVEN read any of this stuff? You have got to be kidding right?

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