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CJ soapbox [illegals]

Sorry Ernesto but you need to get a grip, Have you ever bought a resident licence or applied for a big game tag in AZ? My guess is no, because you don`t have a clue as to what is going on down here in AZ. Fact they DO get resident tags and licences, go to the AZSITE AND CHECK OUT WHAT THE HEAD OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SAYS! They are considerd "legal residents" event if they are illegal citizens, same thing applies for instate college tuition etc. And we don`t need anyone who chooses to commit a "FELONY" when they look for work your argument is an old worn out one. All they do with cheap labor is "displace" what once was a good paying job[see construction] sorry Ernie but your wrong all the way around.
Ernie the one thing you are right about is they don`t come here to hunt, but some end up hunting/fishing because they can. they don`t come up here for riding quads/ jet skiis/dune buggiesetc. but many end up doing just that! they don`t come here to "trick or treat" either but one guy i know said he had about 200 of them stop by for some candy, can you see what i`m saying the don`t just come and go to work and go home they do everything that they can get away with! They are "ILLEGAL" end of story!

Where on the AZ site does it specifically say the problem with illegals buying tags? Just post a link so I can read it. Knowledge is power

And my argument is not a worn out one. For every bad apple in the bunch there are far more good ones. This part of the argument doesn't limit to illegals, it goes for ALL, illegals, legals, your neighbors, etc. There are just as many U.S. citizens committing felonies, you have tunnel vision. You can't see both sides of the problem. Why don't you address the hundreds of people that put in for your resident draw that are U.S. citizens that live outside AZ but draw AZ RESIDENT tags? HUH? Oh wait cuz you wanna focus on the illegals(TUNNEL VISION). And don't go crying to me about the construction because someone got out bid because they have cheaper labor. Boo Hoo Hoo. Its not all their fault. Why don't you blame the businesses? It's their fault, they are picking the lowest bids! I'm sure you don't want to pay 200 dollars a night for a hotel room! But you would have to pay more because americans will not clean for 5.15 an hour. I'm sure you don't want to pay too much for your vegetables, but you would if it wasn't illegals picking it! American has become depended on cheap labor, illegal labor, loop holes in laws, clauses, etc.!

And your riding quads, jet ski thing is hilarious! They can't afford those things!

Keep the laughs coming...

Ernesto Lopez
Knowledge is power , so please go get some, talk about "tunnel vision" you think your lettuce is cheap WRONG! You think illegals can`t afford jet skiis WRONG AGAIN, and they pull them with 40 thousand dollar truck`s, I don`t know what 1 horse town you live in but take a trip to Phx./Vegas/L.A./etc. and observe "real life" By they way once you "learn' how to add in the freebies they get you will see how much the hidden cost of your veggies/hotels/housing/medical care on and on really costs. to bad your so BLIND! Who gives a shit about comparing crime by americans citizens VS. illegals? That is just plain stupid! What don`t you understand about the word ILLEGAL? All these drunk illegals down here driving without drivers licences/insurance. DEPORT EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM ! IT`S THE LAW! live with it. People like you just can`t be educated you must have the poor "hispanic" syndrome.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-26-2003 21:16: Message edited by: cjcj ]</font>

Thanks for those links on the AZ page. OH wait! You didn't give any, funny how you just skipped past that part of the post.

40,000 dollar trucks? PLEASE! You are not fooling anyone here! They can't afford them! I'm sorry man, but get a grip.

JUST CUZ YOU SEE A HISPANIC DOESNT MEAN HES ILLEGAL. Im sure you assume that though, I can see it now:

Cjcj driving down the street in his Ford Pinto and sees a hispanic in a 40,000 dollar truck and instantly assumes hes illegal.

He then goes on to blame all the failures in his life on illegals, or to the point, Hispanics in general.

Funny how cjcj goes on to say "all those drunk hispanics, deport them all" That shows that this is not about legal and illegal its about the fact that cjcj is a racist! He wants all the hispanics out! Even the legal ones. Put your foot in your mouth! But don't worry cjcj, being a racist doesn't make you a bad person, it just makes you someone who can't see beyond that.

See, you wanted a fight and you got it. I will not sit here and let you feed propaganda into all these people.

Game. Set. Match.

Ernesto Lopez
cjcj, I think Ernesto's lack of comprehension of this problem may be due to the fact that he isn't old enough to have paid much (if any) in taxes, so to him, all these hidden costs are not significant. He'd rather have the cheap motel rooms, so he and his girlfriend can have a cheap night out on the town. I could be wrong, I don't see how anyone who pays taxes could support illegals.
No doubt your right W.H. I knew it was only a matter of time before he played the "race" card! that`s what they do cause they have "nothing" no other way to defend "illegal" so play the race card, but it just won`t fly, this is a guy /girl who wants to open the borders. I think he`s a "troll' anyway so i will let this mental weakling amuse himself, i see this moron is from Laramie [very suspicious] say hello to Buzz for me. HA HA
I'll tell ya something there Ernesto this town, state, and whole region is crawling with wetbacks. Now you can scream and yell that it's a race thing but that just goes to show your ignorance on the whole situation. Some of my BEST friends are Mexican, people that I can depend on in any situation , and you know what they don't want the illegals here anymore than cj or I or anyone else does. Playing the race card does not apply. You need to come play in our jungle before you start running your mouth about racisim.

where in these links does it say about big game tags?

I agree that the illegals should not be here. But this discussion orignally isn't about that. This is not the forum, website for that. This is originally about cjcj statement they are taking the big game tags. Show the proof!


I'll tell ya something there 2fastaz i know that town, state, and whole region is crawling with wetbacks! DID I EVER SAY IT WASN'T??? You can post a quote if you like, if you find it. And you are ignorant if you think the race card isn't part of the deck. Look at what cjcj said. He doesn't want ANY hispanics here. But thats old news. This is about illegals getting big game tags. Which is total BS. And damn right the legal immigrants do not want the illegals here, because they are just giving a bad name to the mexican-american people.

They are illegal, I do not think illegals should be here. But to say that they are taking all the jobs, TAKING BIG GAME TAGS, and driving 40,000 dollar trucks around is Total BS.


Advantage Ernesto
Found this on the other board.

Sorry that it has taken so long to get back to you, but I wanted to thoroughly research your question with our legal rep before getting back to you. Because state and federal laws have not made an undocumented alien ineligible for a resident hunting license and the Arizona Supreme Court has held that an undocumented alien may qualify as a bona fide resident, an undocumented alien may apply for a resident hunting license. In short, given existing laws and judicial review, if an undocumented alien has actually resided in Arizona for six months and has the intent to permanently reside in Arizona, an undocumented alien is eligible for resident hunting license. Should you have any further questions reference this matter, please give me a call. Thank you.

Leonard L. Ordway

Law Enforcement Branch Chief
Arizona Game and Fish Department
2221 W. Greenway Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85023
Ofc. (602) 789-3307
Cell (602) 206-2099
Ofc. E-Mail - [email protected]
Phone E-Mail - [email protected]
Ernestblow, can`t you read i said Get rid of all of the hispanic`s that aren`t "legal" get it! that would mean "illegal" Yes they do drive 40 thousand dollar trucks and own jet skis/houses/boats/etc in fact some of them are millionairs! [yes very few]. now as for me proving to you that illegals are getting big game tags,I don`t have to prove what is a "FACT" just because they are Illegal, does not mean that they are getting their resident tags/licences illegally get it? are you following this so far? The FACT is they are eligable for the "resident" licence/tags as the law now stand`s, and until the law for residency is changed to "include" [must be a U.S. citizen] they will get more and more tags/licences still with me here? more and more LEO`s are finding non-english speaking hunters with "resident" tags, but they have gotten their tag`s legally, still with me? The G&F cannot racially profile do you understand this? their are NO statistics unless their is a crime! Comprendo? this is an argument you simply have lost and cannot win. Now run along and play little man . When i want your opinion [I`ll give it to ya] Quit wasting my time.
I'll see your illegals getting resident tags, and raise you the fact Az wants to give em drivers licenses and the right to vote! Once our felonious friends from the south achieve this status, I suggest that it is only fitting to send absentee ballots to Iraq,Afganistan or any other islamic country you can think of, in order to let them too, be a part of our political process.
Cgay, I mean Cj,

"this is an arguement you simply cannot win" Yeah you are right Cj, it is one you cannot win and one you are not ample to defend. Hell even your spanish is pathetic, Comprendo? Its Comprende. A little FYI so when you run into that illegal driving that 40,000 dollar truck in his million dollar mansion(HAHAHAHHAA). Cj, you might want to try prozac, i heard its gggrrreeeaaattt!

And you don't have to prove what is a fact? So lets say you get accused of murdering your boyfriend cj, just cuz its a fact you didn't kill him, you do not have to prove it cuz its a fact? Im sorry man but to prove something you got to provide facts. Just a little FYI for ya.

I've never put in for AZ so fill me in on how you have to prove your residency. Isn't it a drivers license or SS #? Because if it is then it doesn't matter how long that illegal has been here, he can't have either. Unless hes in CA, and that is the most stupidest thing i've heard, but i guess thats kinda expected in CA.

And this is a little off topic, but you know what is funny? Social Security is in trouble, and you know what is one of the few perks of illegal immigration? Illegal immigrants pump hundreds of thousands of dollars into SS, and they will never be able to collect it. So that money is going to someone who didn't earn it. Oh and illegal immigration provides a few other jobs, like border patrol, INS, and a few others(just for the record that last part was a joke, but take it as you want).

I'm off to go buffalo hunting for the weekend, so you will have to wait till Monday for my snappy in your face comeback.

Hasta Manana

Thanks Cfree for the post, i`ve talked to Mr. Ordway several times about this issue, he was the one that told me we have to get the state legislators to change the residency requirement. Hey Ernesto, do you "get it" yet? go back real sloooooow, take your time and tell us again what illegals are doing in Az. Maybee you could call Ford/Gm/Dodge, and yamaha/seadoo/kawasaki bank one/wellsfargo and all the other "major" corp`s and tell them that they are wasting millions of their advertising dollars on the illegal market.[psst. they don`t buy those things anyway] Ernestblow have a good hunt and try not to shoot yourself in the foot, like you did so many times on your posts here.
Why should i have to educate you over and over [your a moron] you mean all this time your trying to make an argument, and you don`t even know what our RESIDENCY requirements are! PATHETIC! you don`t even amuse me anymore so i have to cut ya loose. BYE BYE
cj, I think Ernesto may have a point.

I just applied for and received an AZ javelina permit. I had to supply my SS number, if I remember right.

I'll have to check it out.
ALl they have to do to get a ssn is by one off a bum on the street it happens all the time. How do you think all the illegals are getting jobs. Don't you have to give a ssn to be employed.

Hunter saftey is not required to get a big game tag in AZ if your over 16.
$40.000 trucks yeah it's the norm too. My next door nieghbor is illegal and drives a brand new lightning. Has a 90 somethng corvette and a bad ass Honda VFR. It is happening Ernesto whether you want to believe it or not.
Stick with tennis I think it's something you can understand.
I'd like to know how many tags illegals get each year, you know something documented. Not just someone saying, "well, its a lot".

It sure seems like an awful lot of work for someone to go through just to get a hunting a ssn off a bum, prove residency (all states require that), pass the firearms check when purchasing a firearm, etc. etc.
They Game and Fish Department asks for SS numbers for the sole reason to find dead beat dads(child support evaders). You could make up a SS and as long as it doesn't match one on their list you are cleared. Do illegals get big game tags? How is it possible to find out? Game and Fish isn't going to release a list of all big game tag holders and their SS numbers so that we can find out for reasons of privacy(I'm sure the PETA wackos have tried). But let me ask you this. Is the $76.50 for 300-500 pounds of Elk meat cheaper than buying that same amount of beef?

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