Kenetrek Boots

Chukar Everywhere!


New member
Oct 11, 2002
Not Idaho :( !!!...AZ for now
Headed to Rattlesnake creek (above Mountain Home). Actually planned to hunt above Toll Gate but the weather was to bad, zero visibilty. "Chili Dog" found birds within the first 100 yards, a huge covey of about 50 birds. Birds flush to the high rocks, so up we went. Spent the next 3 hours climbing up/around/down rocky hills. Had a great time. The only problem with the location was the lack of cover, and it was pretty steep walking. Should of had my limit but I missed a few easy shots

Every so often, my dog will point and time will seem to stand still. Happened today. Just seems that some points are magical. We had just jumped a covey of Huns and were heading out after them. We were on top of the hill so it was pretty flat. My GSP was about 120 yards out when she went to point. Seemed like a picture from a post card. Hazy, light snow and a dog rock solid out in front. Some points you'll never forget.

Tally for the day'
5 Chukar
1 Hun
Good story and good hunt.

Question time now. Birds flush to the high rocks, so up we went. Spent the next 3 hours climbing up/around/down rocky hills.
I was always under the assumption that it was always like that. Is it? I have never been and it sounds like a good day to be had.
Yep it is pretty steep there but well worth it. There always seems to be birds in Rattlesnake Creek.
Too bad I had to work sounds like you had a good day.
Yeah Elkhunter,

As I37 mentioned, there are flatter areas to hunt chukar, but around Mt Home, the only places I've found is on the steep slopes. You almost feel like you're elk hunting again but it's a great time. There's plenty of birds up there but when they flush they often fly across the canyon. It's also a little harder to hunt with a dog. You're in some pretty steep, rocky places and it's hard to keep her in sight/keep up with her (and thats only 40-50 yards in front). It's still a blast.

We need to hook up before the season ends. I'm off next week and plan on hunting a couple of days. If you can swing any time off, you up for a hunt? I usually hunt Saturdays as well.

Only 22 days left in the season

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