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Christmas presents for wife

My wife and I just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary yesterday. We have an amazing marriage. She is an unbelievable person. The kindest person I know. We have had multiple years where we haven't given each other "gifts". We have gone on trips a couple years. One year we just agreed to not exchange gifts. There weren't any "repercussions". When we do exchange gifts she's really good about telling me what she wants. This year I bought her a new Bible and a pair of elk antler ear rings because thats what she wanted.

I say all that to say this. Just talk to your wife. Treat her with love and respect every day. Build her up to her face and to your friends when she isn't around. Be a man. Communicate. Even though I do hunt a lot I make it a priority to do things with her so we can spend time together. If you do those things you'd be surprised how everything else (gifts included) falls into place.

Also, don't sell a gun to buy jewelry (unless its an engagement ring). That's just crazy.
"Just talk to your wife." Yes. Absolutely.
OK guys, please for the love of all that's holy, will you please tell me what you want for Christmas? Every daughter, SO, sister, aunt and mother wants to know. Thank you.
You have a funny definition of "early"...

The key to all of this is simply picking up on the ever so tricky subtle hints that are very carefully given throughout the year. When you are just starting in a relationship, they generally aren't very subtle and more or less look more like a demand. She is just training you and as you pass her tests, she will expect better of you going forward each year and the bar will be raised. I'm at about 13 years in myself and there is no doubt that it is full on subtle hints at this point. I know I miss most of them because it eventually gets pointed out how I failed. However, every now and then I score big by picking one up and my strategy is to always not wait until a birthday, anniversary or xmas to present it. Example: just a few weeks ago I spotted her on her phone looking at Minnesota Wild jerseys. I didn't say anything, didn't do anything. I double checked the credit card for a week and never saw a change to anything that would align with a jersey so I timed buying it so it would ship to my house on a day she worked. I took that baby last week and hung it up in her closet with a bow and a note that said "merry christmas, love you". 2 days later when she finally noticed it, I was the best husband ever.
I did this from time to time just randomly. She would be looking for something to wear and she would be like I don't remember this blouse (blouse dumbest word ever) aww ur pretty neat. Yep I sure am.
Got mine a new ice fishing rod today so she quits stealing mine. It’s and extra pain cause she reeks with opposite hand of me lol. Tempted to get her some new binos so she whites stealing mine too lol. Or get myself a new set and she can use my old ones. Sounds like and even better idea
OK guys, please for the love of all that's holy, will you please tell me what you want for Christmas? Every daughter, SO, sister, aunt and mother wants to know. Thank you.
Gun, anything from a Red Ryder to .500 revolver. Ammo for gun. Fishing tackle, anything you buy is appreciated, even if I dont use it. Wranglers, real jeans, not the skinny stuff. Warm clothes for scooping the snow from sidewalk and driveway, so I don't have to wear my good hunting stuff.
Seriously, my list. PM if you need shipping address and sizes.

If all I got for Christmas was a few pairs of Duluth buck naked underwear and darn tough mid crew medium hiker socks I’d be happy as a pig in slop.
Had my mom's side Christmas a few days ago got me some replacement Duluth buck nakeds. Swear by em.
Gun, anything from a Red Ryder to .500 revolver. Ammo for gun. Fishing tackle, anything you buy is appreciated, even if I dont use it. Wranglers, real jeans, not the skinny stuff. Warm clothes for scooping the snow from sidewalk and driveway, so I don't have to wear my good hunting stuff.
Seriously, my list. PM if you need shipping address and sizes.
Thank you. At last.
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