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Choke questions

Shoot a full choke if your gun came with one and keep your shooting within normal ranges, you can reach out a few yards further with an extra full aftermarket choke.
Tom Roster has studied load and choke lethality for decades and is the guy behind the lethality tables you can find on several DNR websites. Recently he has published articles on TSS and concludes it patterns very tight, regardless of choke. He says on pure TSS loads choke is irrelevant. With steel for waterfowl, IC seems to work fine for decoying birds.
What I'm hoping for is someone to say "I shoot my 20 Gauge with TSS Federal (or whatever rand) with a full choke and love it" or something like that. At least that would be a start.
I shot my 20 gauge Benelli SBE3 with Herters TSS through the stock full choke and love it. Federal TSS patterned pretty well too:

Recently traded the SBE3 in and went with a Beretta A300 largely because I didn’t like the optics mounting system but was very pleased with how it shot TSS. I haven’t had a chance to pattern it yet but will start with the regular full choke. Seems like the name of the game with TSS is not to overchoke it. My patterns with the standard full were considerably better than with an Indian Creek turkey choke (which I swear by for lead/Hevi-shot loads).
Most, not all, Turkey guys have good results with Indian Creek chokes. I have used them quite a bit as they are local to me here in Southeast Missouri. I also use Muller Chokes with great success as well. They have a dedicated turkey choke as well as waterfowl chokes. They make it easy to pick. Decoy or Pass constrictions for waterfowl and Strut or UFO for turkeys.
Most, not all, Turkey guys have good results with Indian Creek chokes. I have used them quite a bit as they are local to me here in Southeast Missouri. I also use Muller Chokes with great success as well. They have a dedicated turkey choke as well as waterfowl chokes. They make it easy to pick. Decoy or Pass constrictions for waterfowl and Strut or UFO for turkeys.
where in SEMO?
Take a look at Indian Creek chokes.
Note: I've killed close to 60 turkeys with the same basic arrangement. But I decided to play the TSS game for kicks a couple years ago. Laid a tom out at 65 yards. @Mica Man was witness.
There are other forums like gobbler nation and old gobbler that has lots of gun/choke/shell combo patterns with pics of their patterns. Odds are somebody is shooting what you are wanting to shoot.

Personally, I shoot an Indian Creek .555 choke in my Rem 870 Youth 20ga. I get a consistent 300 pellets in a 10” circle at 40 yards with a 1 5/8oz load of #9s.

In all the shotgun/choke combos I’ve tested, and there’s been a bunch, none have patterned better with a more open choke when compared to the tightest constriction offered.
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I use the factory full in my Benelli's, patterns well to 55-60 yards. My wife's first TSS turkey was killed at something like 74 yards.

I tried my Patternmaster Code Black Duck choke, the pattern was great but opened up too fast. I also tried my traditional extra full turkey chokes and found them to be too blown out, a tight core then opened up huge. Factory full or just slightly tighter than that is the sweet spot.

I have used Federal, Browning, and Remington #9 TSS. Of those three, Federal was most consistent and patterned best but the other two were half the cost when found on sale
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Take a look at Indian Creek chokes.
Note: I've killed close to 60 turkeys with the same basic arrangement. But I decided to play the TSS game for kicks a couple years ago. Laid a tom out at 65 yards. @Mica Man was witness.
What gauge, choke, style of shotgun, maker of TSS, did you use?
I began hunting turkeys in 1970 with old timers who showed me the ropes. They all hunted with various makes of break open single barrel shotguns with FULL choke. Typically, high base #6 shot was used with great success. Head shots only were taken. TR
The factory Remgington Super Full usually works with that gun and 1 5/8oz T9s for a good turkey hunting pattern at the usual distances.

Those loads have over 500 pellets in them. You would almost certainly get a 40 yards killing pattern with any full choke, but it'll be wide enough to get into the breast. You don't want to bite down on a tungsten pellet. Kinda hard to miss with, though.

If you get into the purpose built turkey chokes like Indian Creek you'll want to budget for a red dot. The super tight long distance patterns are easy to miss with up close. It'd be really silly to spend big money on a choke and loads only to whiff on a turkey you could have killed with your dove gun.