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Changes to Hunt Talk

Looking forward to the changes. A little advertising goes a long way. A lot of advertising gets annoying quickly.

Having said that, I already buy almost exclusively Leupold and Federal!
The teaser for fresh tracks looked really good. Thanks again for the preview Fin.
Randy, makes what ever changes you need to. My 10 yrs, or so, here have been one of my private escapes from the Real World of bitchy wife &/or current GF, A$$ Boss, and money grubbing teenager. Besides, get some pretty good info when yer completely lost.
Randy, you're about to have a riot on your hands. One of the pop-up ads that keeps appearing is for vacationing in Texas. :eek:
Can't say I'm digging the pop up adds. Looks like previews of threads are gone too. Used to be able to hover the mouse over a topic and read the first sentence or two to decide if I even wanted to open it up. I noticed yesterday the OYOA stuff disappeared so the format looks wider and different. I guess I'll get used to it but the stupid VA pop up is driving me a little nuts every time I open a thread up.
Not liking the wider screen format. It's really hard to read long posts or stories when you constantly have to use the bottom slide to navigate the screen.
The web guys are reading this thread and will be tweking things to try resolve any issues mentioned herein.
Feel like I am walking a landmine field. haha! Each thread, PM, etc has an advertising surprise. :) Gotta do whatcha gotta do though wow - you were not kidding Randy - certainly are some changes.
I believe one advertisment was for muley outfitter hunt touting massive muley rack size - though that may be the advert by Chamber of high fence Commerce, Texas... :hump:

What WV and Rat Fink menrioned - I agree. It is a nice feature to scroll and gloss over thread titles for a glimpse to the post content.

Overall, it isn't too terrible - I just do not like the ads that keep popping up I have to close. The worst is the Amazon advert while using my smart phone... The Amazon ad has some invisible superpowers pulling to the amazon site when I click a thread title. Now I have to be very selective to touch the screen - really darn specific OR refresh repeatedly until the damn Amazon ad is gone. That alone is my biggest peave though not near bad enough to stay away ;)
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Now there are ads all over the place. In a thread about Day Trading there are Scott trade ads, silver and gold ads. I must have mentioned taxes somewhere because there are H&R Block ads too. I think the site has become a fishing expedition for Ads/Google
That's the society we live in fellas.
These pop ups and adds suck, but thanks for all you do Randy!
Hunt Talk still rules@!
Working on some of the preview items and the width of the screen, once you drill into a thread.

Appreciate the comments.

As far as advertising, it will be here. It has been here in the past, just with very few ads, and all the same ads rotating out, allowing us to get accustomed to those past ads. Just now, we are trying to recover some costs. Like all sites, ads pay the freight. We will do all we can to try keep it as tasteful as possible.

We are in this mode for at least six months. We will be updating the Forum software in the coming months, allowing for some more customization that might fix a few issues (and if like most software, add a few more issues).
I am working with the ad company who has the right to serve these ads. The type of ads currently appearing are not what was represented when we started this deal. They are supposed to be male oriented OUTDOOR ads.

Thanks for the emails and PMs.

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