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Changes to Hunt Talk

" I have entered into a six-month deal with a large national advertiser."

I knew DQ would get on this site sooner or later. can we sue you for any weight gain due to the increased advertising from DQ?

do what you have to do Randy.
All this to pay for that AZ auction tag ? (just kidding)

I guess I'm the only one who uses the "resources tab". That's OK, I can find the links elsewhere.
Better run that by your other committee member up the road ;) Ah the beauty of mowing someones lawn. Oh wait it's winter.

I think that is why the committee got a phone call today, even if they were to busy to answer. :p
If we want it to continue, it needs to be paying for itself. I pay for newspaper sites, but still get ads on those.
Quite happy to carry on and roll with the changes. Hope HuntTalk pulls in more than it drains the corporate and family coffers.
Sounds good Randy. I hope this helps you recoup some expenses. The aggravation of popups aside, the ads are not ineffective. I've been looking for a new pack on ebay and spent some time on Amazon last night because of the ad at the top of the page.

What are your thoughts about adding a place where member videos can be shared and easily seen as well as the OYOA episodes?
Thanks for keeping Hunt Talk up and running. Pop-up ads are part of all web pages that need to cover costs. This site is worth much more to me than a few ads I have to tend to.
What are your thoughts about adding a place where member videos can be shared and easily seen as well as the OYOA episodes?

That is going to be part of the OYOA YouTube Channel. It will give some major promotion to guys like you who have a good eye with the camera and the ability to edit the story, if interested in the idea.

Not sure if that interests you, but we are going to be looking for Hunt Talkers to submit their videos to us for playing on the YouTube Channel. That channel will be linked here and have subscribers, so I expect it to get a good number of views.

Probably have some sort of prizes, really good prizes, based on which video gets the most views. Hopefully that adds a little return to the mountains of time that goes into producing good video.

Would be interested to know if any of our video junkies have an interest in that notion.
Would be interested to know if any of our video junkies have an interest in that notion.

I definitely would. Putting some final touches on a birthday video for my mom and a bighorn sheep hunt this afternoon.
Sounds like some good ideas. I have enjoyed the site thus far. I'm not a huge fan of advertising....that is why I use pop up blockers. Do you know what kind of advertisements we will be seeing. Hopefully it won't be for laundry soap, viagra, know, things most hunt talkers don't use.:D
Good to hear Randy. I'm surprised more companies aren't allocating their advertising budgets more heavily weighted towards social media/Internet.

I hope they pony up enough to keep this site operating for a long time and putt a little money in your slush fund account.
In regards to the research sections maybe you could do something with hunters trail head. Since now you have to pay to be part of the site, maybe somehow in order to allow us to stay on your site, and have the ability to use that research piece of HT which is very useful, you could do some sort of pay through your site? Don't know how you may do the logistics of it but just an idea. If it sucks and isn't useful then oh well.

Really appreciate the product you put out and allow us all to be a part of. So whatever you need to do to keep it up, I am behind 100%
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I for one am thankfull for a great site and that its "free" I love comps and free stuff.... keep up the excellent work.

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