Cecil the Lion

Though this line of thinking isn't specifically related to this controversial lion, I really like this line by Rinella,

If the animal heads on your wall could look at you, would they see an honorable hunter or a slob?
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Rinella is an exemplary advocate and communicator....he and Fin are as good of ambassadors as hunters could ask for.

...my favorite line from the article.

Don’t justify questionable actions by telling yourself that you’re doing things how the locals do it. Believe me, a lot of locals are assholes.
They say that we need to embrace all hunters regardless of their actions, “because we’re all in the same boat.” I disagree with much of what these guys say, though they are clearly right about us all being in the same boat. Unfortunately, though, some hunters insist on shooting holes through the hull. With them on board, we won’t stay afloat for long.

A very well written article by Rinella, and I loved the last section. EVERYTHING we do as hunters has a ripple affect. Some ripples are good, some are bad. Some ripples are big and some are small. Think about things before you do them.
Just got done reading Rinella's article on the Palmer situation. While I have to utmost respect for Steve, he seems to have fallen into the same trap alot of hunters fall into, that is thinking the anti hunters give a rats ass what we are hunting and how we are hunting it. The DONT CARE, they want all hunting to be ended, period end of story, if you hunt they want you to stop, they dont care if you use every last bit of the animals down to the sinew and bones. That being said, Palmers PH should have made sure the lion carcass went to feed the locals.
Bobydean and Apparition wether African trophy hunting is worth it as a conservation tool here are two very good places to read the IUCN's guiding principles on trophy hunting https://portals.iucn.org/library/efiles/documents/Rep-2012-007.pdf just skim the parts not of interest. And a very good current article on the subject by Rosie Cooney who is chair of the IUCN's Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group http://www.iied.org/rip-cecil-lion-what-will-be-his-legacy-who-should-decide Appologies if these have already been posted.
Just got done reading Rinella's article on the Palmer situation. While I have to utmost respect for Steve, he seems to have fallen into the same trap alot of hunters fall into, that is thinking the anti hunters give a rats ass what we are hunting and how we are hunting it. The DONT CARE, they want all hunting to be ended, period end of story, if you hunt they want you to stop, they dont care if you use every last bit of the animals down to the sinew and bones. That being said, Palmers PH should have made sure the lion carcass went to feed the locals.

I don't think Steve cares at all what anti-hunters think. It's the large percentage of the population that does not hunt and is not anti-hunting that he, and I, and many others care about.
I don't think Steve cares at all what anti-hunters think. It's the large percentage of the population that does not hunt and is not anti-hunting that he, and I, and many others care about.

Be that as it may, do you ever think that Trophy hunting will ever get a fair shake in the media? They will do whatever they can do to put us in a bad light no matter what. Its up to us to promote the good that we do, because they sure as hell never will.
I'm with Fin , purposely ignoring this idiocracy!
Importantly - it's the anniversary of the Ferguson case
The other day I heard the reaction to this and a few other events called "internet mob justice." Whatever you want to call it, it is pretty disturbing to me that people onvict based on what they heard on the internet.
Good article 1 pointer. Really made sense. . I know Berkley has some incredibly smart people , but a few must a common since!

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