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Cats Aren't Trophies

No, far from it. But are you going to try and say a little planning couldn't have raised a ton of money for the cause? Talk about timing. It was a slow pitch softball, and we took the strike.
Just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. CRWM was at the show and did considerable fundraising.

There also was an elk hunt auctioned off to benefit CRWM 100%, which sold for $50,000.
I was aware of the elk hunt. Any ear marked funds from the proceeds from the sheep raffles funneled towards the effort?
I don't understand the mentality of jumping on a public forum to bash the efforts of others when clearly, based on this post, you don't even know what they've done or haven't done. Chad, if you really care about the efforts of others, you can pick up the phone and call me. But I understand that it's a lot easier to sit behind the keyboard and lob hand grenades.
Forums are about discussions. There is no bashing going on anyone, simple questions. I went back and deleted the "discussion" as to not cloud or bash any ongoing efforts.
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Forums are about discussions. There is no bashing going on anyone, simple questions. I went back and deleted the "discussion" as to not cloud or bash any ongoing efforts.
But are you going to try and say a little planning couldn't have raised a ton of money for the cause? Talk about timing. It was a slow pitch softball, and we took the strike.
The bold part is not a "discussion." It's a statement of "fact" that you actually knew nothing about. Not productive.
All... catching up on this thread so I'm sure I'll miss a couple details.
Most important is that we're going to nationalize the campaign to WIN in Colorado and defeat this anti-hunting ballot initiative
- CRWM has already had some unexpected success by adding friction to the process and forcing the anti-hunting industry into nearly 4-months of delays.
- Funding is flowing in from all over the US - and we're just getting started. EVERY hunter or angler in the US is subject to attack from the anti-hunting industry and CO is where we need to draw a line in the sand. If every non-resident with points in CO donates the equivalent of 1 box of ammo, the Anti-Hunting industry will never have a chance - that's the ask and that's the need.
- Sheep Show gave CRWM a platform to fundraise on very short notice - kudos to WSF!! The auction tag went for $50k and significant private donations were rallied during the event.
- RMEF, SCI, HOWL and other NGOs are navigating the process to step up financial and other support. The wave of support is going to be massive.

What can we do? Help bring hunters and anglers from all over North America into this campaign. Prop 91 is backed by people and orgs from outside of CO - so we all need to rally. We will win this in CO, while setting the stage for turning the tide in WA and elsewhere that an extreme minority of anti-hunters are steering public sentiment.

If you're on IG - follow CRWM and HOWL for the most current updates.

All... catching up on this thread so I'm sure I'll miss a couple details.
Most important is that we're going to nationalize the campaign to WIN in Colorado and defeat this anti-hunting ballot initiative
- CRWM has already had some unexpected success by adding friction to the process and forcing the anti-hunting industry into nearly 4-months of delays.
- Funding is flowing in from all over the US - and we're just getting started. EVERY hunter or angler in the US is subject to attack from the anti-hunting industry and CO is where we need to draw a line in the sand. If every non-resident with points in CO donates the equivalent of 1 box of ammo, the Anti-Hunting industry will never have a chance - that's the ask and that's the need.
- Sheep Show gave CRWM a platform to fundraise on very short notice - kudos to WSF!! The auction tag went for $50k and significant private donations were rallied during the event.
- RMEF, SCI, HOWL and other NGOs are navigating the process to step up financial and other support. The wave of support is going to be massive.

What can we do? Help bring hunters and anglers from all over North America into this campaign. Prop 91 is backed by people and orgs from outside of CO - so we all need to rally. We will win this in CO, while setting the stage for turning the tide in WA and elsewhere that an extreme minority of anti-hunters are steering public sentiment.

If you're on IG - follow CRWM and HOWL for the most current updates.

Just donated. Give em hell.
We will win this in CO, while setting the stage for turning the tide in WA and elsewhere that an extreme minority of anti-hunters are steering public sentiment.
This... Though this needs to be a continuous effort to counter this new era of assault of State game management by internationally funded ballot box manipulation of families walking out of city slicker metro shopping markets
This... Though this needs to be a continuous effort to counter this new era of assault of State game management by internationally funded ballot box manipulation of families walking out of city slicker metro shopping markets
100% true - while HOWL for Wildlife is dedicating as much bandwidth as possible to a win in CO this year, and enabling hunter-advocacy is a primary mission for HOWL, the other initiative that we are developing and will start to roll out this year is systematically turning general public sentiment to support hunting. Long game: remove stigma of "trophy hunting"; reform the Endangered Species Act; cultivate non-hunter understanding that regulated hunting is the most sustainable mechanism known for wildlife success; reestablish hunters, anglers and trappers as the moral/ethical/philosophical leaders when it comes to conservation and biodiversity initiatives.
I'll start with this donation. I also took time to text 5 people who don't hunt at all (who live in Colorado) and sent them the CPW feline fact sheet, and asked them to vote "no" if it shows up on the ballot. It is really uncomfortable for me to do that, but it matters, so I made it personal.


  • Bobcat-Lion-Lynx-Management-FAQ.pdf
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I'll start with this donation. I also took time to text 5 people who don't hunt at all (who live in Colorado) and sent them the CPW feline fact sheet, and asked them to vote "no" if it shows up on the ballot. It is really uncomfortable for me to do that, but it matters, so I made it personal.
View attachment 313925
Yeah this has been my exact strategy. If it makes the ballot, I’m not sure what my next step will be. But this needs to go down
Just something or the war chest as you discus this issue... Imagine how this will look after the hunting bans and as the wolves expand and decrease the herds...

I was trying out my pitch to convince non-hunters to vote against this last night. I found that some approaches turned people off entirely because they don't care if I or anyone gets to hunt mountain lions, don't own pets, live where cats live, or aren't as passionate about the outdoors, etc, etc. Also, I can get wordy, so I came up with the following. I'd welcome some discussion about this.

"Please vote against any mountain lion or bobcat hunting ban. Sustainable conservation is working for mountain lions and bobcats, and regressive, anti-science ballot initiatives won't protect them or their habitat."

Seemed to get more, "okay, I can do that" responses with this version.

Editing with the help of a sympathetic non-hunter:

"Sustainable conservation is already in place to protect mountain lions and bobcats in Colorado. This new ballot measure is not scientifically based, is not supported by CPW or specialized biologists, and attempts to play to emotions, offering a drastic and harmful solution to a non-existent problem. Please vote "NO" on any hunting ban of mountain lions and bobcats."

And adding a link to the info sheet if you're texting it might be helpful.

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"In these times of crashing biodiversity, the sport killing of mountain lions and trapping of bobcats is ecologically and ethically unsupportable and unsustainable,” said Redstone resident and field ecologist Delia Malone, wildlife chair for the Colorado Sierra Club"

The collective hunt based conservation organization better not lean on one main organization...

Don't want to lose this city slicker ballot box biology by 0.91% because your organization wants to yap about raffles vs placing $ where mouth is.

Best to Colorado... You're the ground zero of this can o worms...

Donate to the above though also press your organization to unify efforts!

This is b.s. and Pandora is about to unleash, if it hasn't already...
I was trying out my pitch to convince non-hunters to vote against this last night. I found that some approaches turned people off entirely because they don't care if I or anyone gets to hunt mountain lions, don't own pets, live where cats live, or aren't as passionate about the outdoors, etc, etc. Also, I can get wordy, so I came up with the following. I'd welcome some discussion about this.

"Please vote against any mountain lion or bobcat hunting ban. Sustainable conservation is working for mountain lions and bobcats, and regressive, anti-science ballot initiatives won't protect them or their habitat."

Seemed to get more, "okay, I can do that" responses with this version.

Editing with the help of a sympathetic non-hunter:

"Sustainable conservation is already in place to protect mountain lions and bobcats in Colorado. This new ballot measure is not scientifically based, is not supported by CPW or specialized biologists, and attempts to play to emotions, offering a drastic and harmful solution to a non-existent problem. Please vote "NO" on any hunting ban of mountain lions and bobcats."

And adding a link to the info sheet if you're texting it might be helpful.

Good argument/talking points. We don’t have a mountain lion population decline in the west. We do have a massive mule deer population decline, especially after last winter in NW Colorado. Add wolves to the mix then ban mountain lion hunting. Wow I guess the environmentalists hate deer! CPW doesn’t support this initiative because their agents will have to kill more cats.
I need to know one thing from you Colorado fellas. Where's the best place to donate in your opinion to have a impact on this cat hunting ban?
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