Cats Aren't Trophies

Someone on here once told of a lion snatching a little dog right from someone and taking off.

@BackofBeyond was that you? Or am I thinking of something crazy in my head. I am a few beers in at this point.
Still looking for the study they mention, but apparently its not public yet.

I conducted a study of CO residents and all of them, 100%, were in favor of mountain lion trophy hunting. Results will be published soon.

Is there a way for groups to revoke memberships? I guess Dave Ruane could just say he was a past member?

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Bad take on my part perhaps but I wonder how doctoral level wildlife carnivore researchers feel about hunting in particular predator hunting. My guess is they’re against it. Seeing the actual survey and it’s questions would be worthwhile

Here’s a way to help IMO convince young kids that love hunting that going to school, getting a degree and working for a state agency will only help the future of hunting. Telling them to go further and get a phd and become a wildlife/ fisheries professor and helping shape the next gen of bios is an even greater goal to aspire to
And when all hope was lost a figure appeared through the swirling mist adorned with a popcorn bucket perched atop the figure's head, and as the individual approached the group of constituents, all could see the figure was female, and watched in awe as she leapt upon a soapbox, took a strong pull from her vape and addressed the crowd. " I am Lauren Boebert and I've got this..."
Someone on here once told of a lion snatching a little dog right from someone and taking off.

@BackofBeyond was that you? Or am I thinking of something crazy in my head. I am a few beers in at this point.
Not quite how it went down, but ya, high dollar bird dog killed and dragged off on a backpacking trip.

Still think big cats are cool. Hope I get to tag one this winter.
Not quite how it went down, but ya, high dollar bird dog killed and dragged off on a backpacking trip.

Still think big cats are cool. Hope I get to tag one this winter.
I'm buying a tag. Can kill one during general big game here. I see at least one a year. Probly side shoot it with my 10. Seriously though I am going to have a tag. mtmuley
I'm buying a tag. Can kill one during general big game here. I see at least one a year. Probly side shoot it with my 10. Seriously though I am going to have a tag. mtmuley
I’ve never had a firearm on me when I’ve seen them in the wild. Made friends with a hound hunter this year that is going to take me along after a fresh snow. I’ve never killed one, but do know they are delicious.
I’ve never had a firearm on me when I’ve seen them in the wild. Made friends with a hound hunter this year that is going to take me along after a fresh snow. I’ve never killed one, but do know they are delicious.
I know a guy here that has dogs. Invite is there. mtmuley
This is the blueprint to slowly attrit hunting in western blue states. Remove one or two species at a time. Take advantage of favorable ballot initiative laws and use ill-defined, emotionally loaded terms like “trophy hunting” and “values”. Also claim that the “science” supports you.
IMG_2728.jpegTo the voters and citizens of the Great State of Colorado, please take time to read the above book. True story about events in Boulder, Colorado. Also, great facts on mountain lions.

Long story short for people that don’t read books: Citizens befriend mule deer and mountain lions in town. No hunting of animals. Bambi and Puss-in-Boots are just so cute. We can cuddle with them. Lets manage wildlife with emotions and not science.

Biologists and game wardens warn politicians and do-gooders about befriending nature. High-school cross country teenage jogger then gets attacked, killed, and eaten by mountain lion. Citizens turn vigilante against mountain lions. Town wants to kill them all. Biologists and game officials said “We told you so.” Politicians act innocent…

Good luck Colorado. Happy hunting, TheGrayRider.
I’m just waiting for the residents to ask all of the evil non-residents for funding to help fight off this terrible travesty.

Wait for it. It’s coming.
I think what we need is resident voters with a brain. Unfortunately those are in short supply these days.

RMEF and others ran plenty of front range commercials on the wolf ballot, didn't matter.
Running away isn't the answer to most difficult problems. That said, I get it. I have plenty of friends looking to flee WA for the same reasons. But it'll follow you, eventually.
Agreed that it will eventually follow. Anyone is welcome to stay and let irrational CO residents destroy hunting here with no comments from me. If that is your cup of tea, enjoy. I will fight while I am here.
I hope Colorado pulls through. These demographic and cultural changes are rough and I mean that sincerely. In many ways, it’s a forced dissolution of identity for those who remain and remember.

An obvious part of the issue here is the word “Trophy” used as an adjective about hunting. For the most part, it’s shallow and deceiving.

I actually think these types of things happening in other places is fortifying the perpetuity of those methods of hunting in Montana. Our demographics are not experiencing a “Blueing” or detached urbanization, rather, so many folks moving here are fleeing that stuff in other places.
One can see it at the ballot box, and it’s almost the case to a person when it comes to the half dozen new Montanans I now count as neighbors. The absolute failure of the anti-trapping citizens initiative a few years back is a good example.

As to the membership of whoever, someone being a member of something doesn’t mean much to me. I’m taking my Trappers Education field day in a couple weeks so I can trap this winter, and could join Footloose Montana tomorrow if I so chose.
so let’s assume the hunting community can gather itself in a respectful and coordinated manner… what’s our next step? @Oak do you know of any groups leading the opposition to this ballot box initiative?

We are going to need a coordinated effort and one that doesn’t revolve around the words “woke” “libtards” and “californication”. Hunters need to be better about educating the masses, rather than screaming at them.

First step - in my eyes - is detaching all Lion hunting from the word trophy. Plenty of trophy twats out there that love to celebrate the fur at home and abroad, but those idiots are the minority - at least as I see it. But I could be wrong.

In a nutshell from the land of nuts... we used to kill on average 221 lions by hunting per year prior to the ban. It generated a little revenue.

Now we kill roughly 100 lions per year with depredation permits because they kill livestock for fun. It costs the tax payers money.

You cant argue with stupid though. You can however try to point out that you arent saving many cats, and more livestock and pets will be killed.

I should note too that our deer herds are the worst they have ever been. We also have an insane amount of coyotes, bears, and lions. Its impossible not to find a ton of their sign everywhere I have hunted. Im amazed there are any deer surviving the amount of predators and habitat loss in this state. CO is going down a horrible path.
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So, what can we do since is apparently going to be on a ballot at some point? Who can we support, what can we do to put up our side of the issue?
Running away isn't the answer to most difficult problems. That said, I get it. I have plenty of friends looking to flee WA for the same reasons. But it'll follow you, eventually.
Lmao, Denver's getting so bad, Tacoma is looking like an upgrade to me. I do love the puget sound

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