Catch All Fishing Thread

God I miss catching was always channel cats here but I used to fish literally everyday as a kid. Havebt caught one in orobably twenty years. Told myself I gotta get back into it soon as the boys are coming of age. Gonna have to buy a boat.
If I don’t reel in channel cats at least once a year something is wrong in my life
My son caught his first brown trout yesterday. Caught on a salmon fly on the Madison. It was super crowded. Lots of other boats and a ton of people wade fishing wherever there was access.
Like shooting fish in a barrel.. Freezers are full! Its now C&R for the rest of the season :D One of the best days we've had on the Copper River. Usually its a 12hr grind catching 2-3 an hour, it beats your body down, arms, shoulders, back.

We caught 69 reds and one king in about 6hrs, we threw a lot of small ones back of both flavors. I've filleted 132 salmon so far this summer.

Friend of mine rescued a dunk azzhole who swamped his boat on the Copper last wednesday. he floated nearly 8 miles down the river before he caught up to him and pulled him in. Had he not been around, the guy would have been dead. He luckily had a life jacket on. This river takes no prisoners.

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