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Cascade Res. (Idaho)

Elk Turd

New member
Feb 15, 2001
Boise, ID, USA
The Idaho Fish and Game said that they are trying to get rid of "pikeminnows" from Cascade Res. What are pikeminnows? Is there Northern Pike in Cascade???? If so, I am getting a divorce and going fishing!

Anyone know anything about this????
Don't feel bad Mr. Turd I have lived in Idaho for 40 years and didn't know what a pike minnow was either. But with my inquisitive mind I went in search of this strange fish. I have learned that it is the fish formally known as the Squawfish. It seems that the indians have taken offence to the term squawfish. Although the other day the Idaho legislature has deterimined that there is such a fish and refuses to pass a law to eliminate it from Idaho. So the next time you catch one it is still a squawfish.
Originally posted by Elk Turd:
The Idaho Fish and Game said that they are trying to get rid of "pikeminnows" from Cascade Res. What are pikeminnows? Is there Northern Pike in Cascade???? If so, I am getting a divorce and going fishing!

Anyone know anything about this????
I just read something in the statesman about renaming the pikeminnow (alway know to me by squawfish) They wanted to come up with a new nickmame so as not to offend anyone.They came up with junkpike!!! Sorry it it still a squawfish to me and squaw butte is still squaw butte and squaw creek ,well I guess you know where I stand on this.

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