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Caribou numbers up 49 per cent after four-year wolf cull

This is not their first wolf cull action plan that led to a successful caribou recovery either (Little Smoky Caribou herd).

Amazing animal. Quality action that has proven results.

One could read and digest ALL of the article's content, and put the control action in context with the entire predator/prey/ habitat/human impact picture. Yes, control does (may) "work".
Habitat restoration is the long-term piece to this strategy, but if we wait for habitat to be restored and do nothing else, there won’t be any caribou to occupy it,....” and "If you don’t restore habitat, you will have to cull wolves forever.”
Simply come running to the dog whistle...................

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Arrogance strikes ya, yet again Point. How about a post about the topic instead of following people around bitching... about HT members? Meh, nevermind... Bitch away.

What if... Just a simple what if... The article was read? Hypothetically speaking of course...

Habitat's a given 🙄 Caribou would sure enjoy the habitat in the long run... If they lived long enough.

Reminds me of our Selkirk herd... Better stated, reminds me of the endangered Selkirk herd unable to survive the predators long enough for the habitat to find it's value returned.
Sad really...
One could read and digest ALL of the article's content, and put the control action in context with the entire predator/prey/ habitat/human impact picture. Yes, control does (may) "work".
Habitat restoration is the long-term piece to this strategy, but if we wait for habitat to be restored and do nothing else, there won’t be any caribou to occupy it,....” and "If you don’t restore habitat, you will have to cull wolves forever.”
Simply come running to the dog whistle...................


You whistled?

One could read the biologists' report....

Caribou habitat, 12 years till the end of the Earth Global Warming....
Claims of Caribou declining due to Habitat loss is no different than other extremist agenda based brainwashing.

Caribou throughout Canada in areas of LOW predation do great, regardless if the habitat has been impacted by industry or not.
Read up on Michipicoten Island in Ontario. Scientifically designated "Low quality" caribou habitat, and caribou thrived, until wolves entered the ecosystem.

Banff and Jasper National Parks, Wilmore Wilderness area, vast areas of untouched habitat, now devoid of caribou, due to predation.
Over and over again we have caribou in poor and good habitat doing great until wolves wipe them out....

Lewis and Clarke nearly starved while travelling through vast gameless ranges comprised of pristine habitat....
What wiped out the game?

Most modern scientists have not touched on what is actually "good" caribou habitat, due to the Mantra of "Old Growth" forest is essential overrides the synapses.
While Caribou thrive on the Tundra....

Stop whistling for a while and think.

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